Chapter 5- The ceremony

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"Tori. Tori! Tori wake up!" Someone said from beside me. I cracked open an eye to see Jasmine standing there.

"How the hell did you get in?" I asked.

"I asked Melody for a key, duh. Now get your lazy butt out of bed we have to get you ready!" She yelled. I just roll over and try to block her out.

"Tori... You don't want to be late for your ceremony do you?" She sighed. I opened both my eyes and tried to sit up. It backfired on me though and I end up falling off the bed.

"No I don't! Now, off to the closet!" I proclaimed. She laughed and followed me to the closet.

"Not you!" I shoved her back and she erupted into a fit of giggles. I close the closet door and lock it so she can't come in while I'm getting dressed. I look at the dress. Still as beautiful as when I bought it. I felt like it was taunting me. I'm pretty and your not, I'm pretty and your not! I pull it off the hanger and strip. I put on the dress and look at my reflection in the mirror. Beautiful.

I opened the door to see that Jasmine had set up an entire hair and makeup station. She ordered for me to sit just as rapid knocking filled the room. Jasmine rushed off to get the door.

"Hey, is Tori here?" I faintly heard Everett ask.

"Yes, but you can't see her. She's getting ready for later." Jasmine replied. I heard Everett sigh.

"Fine. Tell her i'm picking her up at 4pm. Got it?" He said and stalked off.

When Jasmine re-entered the room I scowled and threw a pillow at her.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" She yelled.

"Why didn't you let him in? I wanted to see him!" I growled.

"Because then you'd have been all lovey-dovey and I wouldn't have been able to do your makeup!" She stated. I sighed.

"Whatever." I muttered. Jasmine frowned and focused on my makeup. She applied a thick coat of mascara and some eyeliner. She put some lip gloss on my lips and pronounced me presentable. Why I needed to be so dressed up I don't know. Jasmine claimed it was the most important ceremony in a magii's life.

At exactly 3:30 jasmine had left saying she had to get ready. The whole student body was required to show up to the ceremony. The entire thing is supposed to last 2 hours, and then after there is a feast in the great room. I sat on the bed and my thoughts began to drift. I wonder what my power will be. Light? Dark? Fire? Plants?

A shark knock on the door brought me back to the present. I checked the time. 4:00 on the dot. I smiled. I walked to the door and opened it. There stood Everett.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey yourself!" I replied.

"I brought you these." He pulled a bouquet of roses.

"Aw! Thanks, Everett." I said.

"No problem. Follow me." He led me away to a campfire.

"Welcome." Melody started.

"Would everybody please take a seat." She finished. Everybody sat down on a log.

"Victoria Morgan, please stand before the campfire." Melody said. Everett stood me before the fire and backed away. Just a few steps, but I would've felt better if he was beside me. Cason stood up from one of the logs and stood beside Everett. They smiled courtly at me and we waited for Melody to continue.

"Victoria-er, Tori, do you swear to accept your power no matter what it is and to use it for the better of the world?" She asked.

"Yes." I reply.

"Good, then we can start." She began chanting something that I'm guessing was Latin.

"Propter hoc mundus non magii puer. tolle eam et ducam eam in manu potentiae. novis, incognita specie facere puero hoc." She chanted, growing louder and more powerful. I saw a sort of white mist descend upon me before it completely covered me. I couldn't see beyond the mist. I looked down at myself and saw that I was glowing white. It was mystifying. It enveloped me entirely, and when it lifted I found myself craving more. As soon as it was out of my sight, a beam of light erupted from my chest. The crowd gaped openly at me.

"Tori, it appears you are a daughter of Aditi, goddess of the light. Embrace the power within you and blast a thin beam to Everett and Cason. The goddess with decide who it goes to." She commanded. I followed orders and a thin beam shot out of my chest and towards... Cason.


The white light surrounded her. It basked in the night and put a hole in the clouds where it was directed. The power magnified.

"Tori, direct the power to Everett and Cason. The goddess will decide who." Cason stood still while I was in a defensive stance. I had assumed the beam would come to me.

The light came out and swam through the air towards... Cason. Pure rage shot through me. That light was to be mine. I growled in Cason's direction and while he was distracted the light knocked him down. He grimaced in pain. He deserved it.

"Cason, you will now be Tori'a guide and mentor. Teach her control and train with her for 2 hours a day. I see immense power surging through her veins and she doesn't know how to control it. Help her through this." Melody said. Cason nodded. The group departed towards the great room except for me and Cason.

"What the hell, man?" I demanded.

"You think I chose for it to come to me? No! And neither did Tori. The goddess did." He yelled.

"Why?! Why you and not me? You haven't even spent an hour with her in the two days she's been here while I spend all my free time with her!" I yelled back.

"If I could transfer this power to you, I would. But it's impossible." He said and stalked off towards the feast. I waited till he was out of sight then kicked a log as hard as I could. I didn't feel the pain, didn't want to.

I screamed in fury at the sky. Why couldn't it have been me? I would have taught her everything there was to know. Cason will slack off. This question pestered me until I threw the thought from my mind. I ran to the woods and jumped into the icy lake. My body immediately went numb. I couldn't move, couldn't think. Then my power swept me up onto the hard ground. I gasped for air and then ran towards the cliff. I kicked everything in my path, killing many animals and enraging the large ones. The logs were snapped and the ground quaked. I climbed the cliff and when I reached the top I sat down. Thoughts swam through my mind until I decided what had to be done. I stood up and looked over the edge. Then I launched myself into the void.


Ooh, cliffhanger! Don't hate me, that had to happen. He's not dead, that's all i'm telling you. I don't know when the next update will be but comment your thoughts.





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