Chapter 4- Shopping with Jasmine

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After dinner, Everett and I parted ways and I headed back to my dorm. But not before a girl stopped me.

"Hey! I'm Jasmine. Are you the new girl?" She said. I nodded.

"Ya, I'm tori." I introduced myself.

"When is your ceremony?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." I answered. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Usually they don't do it that fast. People sometimes have to waits months. Anyways, do you have a dress yet?" Jasmine asked.

"Wow. I had no idea people wait that long." I said.

"Do you have a dress yet?" She repeated.

"No, not yet." I answered honestly.

"Well then Tori, follow me. I will take you out to the mall and we will find you the perfect dress. Go ask melody what colour it has to be then change your clothes to be more casual. Then come meet me here in let's say 45 minutes. Okay?" I nod enthusiastically and head over to melodies office. I knock on the door quickly before she tells me to enter.

"Hey, Tori! What can I do for you?" She asks.

"I need to know what colour dress to get. Jasmine offered to take me later." I explain.

"Oh. Get something black or light grey." She replies.

"Ooh, my favorite!" A voice says from the open doorway. I spin around to see Everett grinning.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Melody!"

"Oh wait! You have to send a picture of the dress so it can be approved before you buy it. Here, um, I don't have my cell. Everett, give her your number. Text a picture of the dress to him, okay. He'll show me so it can be approved." She says. I turn around and see Everett stealing my phone from my bag.

"Whatcha doing with my phone?" I ask sweetly.

"Just putting my number in. There done." He hands my phone back. I snatch it away and sneak out under his arm. He chuckles and slaps my butt. I gasp in surprise and he grins at me, revealing a set of perfectly white and straight teeth. I roll my eyes and walk out of the room, jogging to my dorm.

I change into a pair of cream coloured jeans and a black shirt. I match it with a yellow cardigan and flats. I check the time and have a mini panic attack when I realize I only have five minutes to get to the other side of campus.

I get there 2 minutes late and see Jasmine sitting on a bench. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Is it just that you like the colour black or is Everett having a say in your colour scheme?" She accuses. I raise an eyebrow.

"I just mean ever since you met him a day hasn't gone by where you didn't wear black." She explains.

"I have only known him for a day. Jut saying." I justify myself.

"Oh ya? What is the colour your dress needs to be?" She asks knowingly.

"Black." I mutter.

"Was Everett in the room?" She asks.

"Yes." I mutter again.

"My point exactly. Now, lets go do some shopping!" She giggles like a little kid on Christmas. I roll my eyes. This is going to be a long day.

Three shops later, we are sitting at the food court of the mall sipping iced fruit drinks. I am not one for coffee, and I only drink green tea. With honey.

"Okay, so, we only have another hour so we really need to step it up." She says. I look around the mall to see if there is a store that catches my eye and I see a vintage store. I give Jasmine a little shove and tell her to look at it.

"Ok, we can check there after this. Just remember it might not even be a clothing store so keep your mind open." I nod and we quickly exit the food court and head towards the store. Elle's. I pull open the door and we head inside. Turns out it was a clothing store for dresses and shoes and accessories. I immediately go to the dress racks and see 'the one'.

"Jasmine! Come check this one out!" I yell excitedly to her. She comes over from the shoe section and gasps.

"Yes! Go try it on!" She ushers me to the fitting rooms and I put it on. I step outside to let Jasmine see it.

"OHMYGOD I love it! You need to buy that one! I'm going to go find shoes! You stay right there!" She orders. I obey and look at myself in the mirror. The dress is beautiful, to say the least. It is a full length black ball gown with crystals embroidered along the top. There weren't very many on the left side but on the right it was covered. There was a slit on the left side that was filled in with a light grey material. It made my hips look wider and enhanced my breasts. Soon jasmine came back with black high heels that had light grey crystals on the back. They completed the look. We made out way to the cash and Jasmine showed the lady a card that showed the schools name and the lady smiled at us and placed our purchased shoes in a box and the dress in a fancy bag. She places a black pair of dangly earrings in the bag along with silver thin bracelets even though we hast asked for them. She shrugged when we asked her about it and said it was a gift. We walked out of the store and began to the school.


K this story kinda sucks but the next chapter will be way more intense. Hint: Cason is in it. That's all you get. You have to wait and see for the rest. I'm gonna try to make this story better.

Happy Easter!




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