Chapter 3- Explanation

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"So, Tori! I'm so sorry I had to interrupt whatever you and Everett were doing. I just need to clear some stuff up before classes tomorrow. Is that alright?" I nod. It's not like I had any options.

"Great! Well then, the first thing you need to know is about powers. They exist, and no 2 unmatched people have the same powers. Unless you have found your true love and accepted them, you have a different power from anyone else's. When you find that special someone don't block them out. It will be someone with powers guarantied. You will try to use your powers but they won't work. You will then know you have found your soul mate and you love them dearly. You two will have the exact same powers. The point of this is to help each other out. If your soul mate is hurt and distracted, he can't use his powers properly, and that is when you need to do their job for them. It takes a lot to distract someone enough for that. Almost nothing can distract someone like that. It would have to be life or death, or..." She trailed of leaving me wondering what else she was going to say.

"Or..." I prompted.

"Or if this person has very little self control and can't think about his powers at the same time you are.. Um.. having sex." She was blushing so bad it was funny. She looked like a tomato. A few minutes later he collected herself and explained lots more things to me and said if I had any questions to ask her, I could go see her anytime. I thanked her and left the room. I walked straight to my locker.... And Everett.

"So," Everett greeted me as soon as he saw me.

"How awkward was that?" He asked grinning evilly. I smirked at him and explained it all, even the awkward parts. He just smiled more when I brought up melody's nervousness when talking about that. He assured me that she was like that with everyone and not to worry.

"Now, why don't we go back to my dorm and um.. Help me get settled in?" I suggested. He nodded and led me to my dorm.

An hour later, I was sitting on everett's lap in the same position as at lunch.

"Don't worry. You will find out your power tomorrow at the ceremony." He assured me.

"Will you be there?" I asked. I needed to make sure I wasn't by myself when I got my powers.

"Yes, of course darling, why wouldn't I be?" He responded. I smirked at him and laid down on my bed. He laid down next to me and we just sat there staring at the ceiling for a minute.

"Why do you spend so much time with me?" he asked. "I'm horrible. Any girl in her right mind would stay away from me because i'm a bad boy, unless they're a slut. Which you aren't." He pointed out. I shrugged.

"I dunno. I just feel safe around you. I trust you a lot." I said. He smiled.

"Well then, Tori, will you go to the fall dance with me?" He was looking at the ground. Was he embarrassed?

"Of course! I'd love to!" He grinned triumphantly.

"Well then how about we head to dinner." I nod and we walk there in silence.


Sorry! This chapter is kind of a filler. I'm not very happy with it so i'll try to make the next one better.

Does anyone have any ideas for a new chapter? If so comment them and i'll update faster than normal. Otherwise the next update will be in at least a week.

Peace out!<3

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