Chapter 3: What Next?

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My eyes grew wide as she led me into the kitchen where a tall dark blonde man was making some food. I dreaded to think that they'll probably want to feed me at some point - me and food didn't really get along, but that's a story for later. I didn't know much about Taylor's dating life. I caught glimpses here and there from magazines I would see in stores, but I never paid much attention. I was mainly fascinated by the music - that was enough for me.

"Chloe, this is Joe," Taylor smiled, "my boyfriend."

"Hi," I forced a smile as the fear of eating food still loomed in my thoughts. I remembered to be appreciative of this moment - some kids would kill for moments like these.

"Hey, kiddo," Joe smiled back and waved. I was grateful that he wasn't all touchy-feely like Taylor was. To be honest, I was still getting used to that but hopefully, I won't have to tolerate it much longer. The size of the apartment was so big, I found it difficult to relax. So, even when Taylor invited me to sit at the dining table, I struggled to breathe normally. In the back of my mind, I was ready to make an exit as soon as possible.

"So," Joe brought a tray with several dishes, "what would you like to eat?"

I shook my head, "I'm not hungry, thank you."

Joe looked at Taylor, not knowing what to respond to that.

"Honey," Taylor's voice was gentle and reassuring, "you should eat something."

"I-I had a big hot dog at the concert," I stuttered, knowing my lie will be effective. "I'm just... processing all of this. Sorry."

Taylor gently smiled - I could tell she wanted to affectionately touch me and I pulled away in an instant. I saw Joe raised his eyebrow, but no one commented on the moment.

"Okay," said Taylor, "don't worry. We can have a late lunch in the afternoon since it's already midday."

That's when I looked at her. "I'll be staying here until the afternoon?"

Taylor sighed and Joe sat down on a chair opposite us.

"Honey, I'm not letting you go out there until we find you a suitable family," her voice was full of determination and I could see Joe silently nod along to her words, "You deserve a family that will love you and respect you. You never have to live on the streets again."

My eyes filled with tears - I was positive they noticed it, but I pretended nothing happened.

"Does... does that mean I'll never have to go to the orphanage again?" I whispered, not being able to imagine this being a reality.

Taylor nodded. "We'll have to figure out legal issues around that. But based on your caregiver's reaction this morning, I'd say she's fine with it."

I gasped, "you spoke to Miss Jones? What did she say?"

"That's nothing you should worry about, darling. All you need to know is that for now, you're staying here. Until we choose a perfect family for you."

By now my tears couldn't help themselves - they're such traitors. I was meant to be a tough girl from the streets, not someone who cries this easily. But, here I was, letting them fall. This was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me and I still couldn't believe it.

"Thank you," before I knew it, I was giving Taylor a quick hug and quickly pulled away when I realized what was happening.

Joe grinned, "not a fan of affection, eh?"

I shook my head, wiping the tears from my face - at the same time, I could see Taylor was wiping hers as well, "I... I don't know how to."

Taylor sniffled next to me, "well, you'll have plenty of time to learn."

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