Chapter 22: Chloe Tries Again

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The next morning, as Chloe prepared to go back to school, I could sense her nervousness. Despite the encouraging words and hugs from Travis and me, she was understandably apprehensive about facing her classmates again.

"Chloe, remember, you are stronger than you think," I said, adjusting the collar of her shirt. "And if anything happens or if anyone is mean to you, you can call me right away, okay? Or let the principal know. You're not alone in this."

Chloe nodded, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil. "Okay, mom. I'll try," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Travis, ever the protective figure in her life, spoke up. "How about I walk you to your class today? Just for some extra support."

Chloe looked up at him, a flicker of relief in her eyes. "Would you? That would be really nice."

We all headed to the car, a quiet determination settling over us. As I drove, I kept glancing at Chloe in the rearview mirror, trying to offer her reassuring smiles. Travis sat beside her, making light conversation to ease the tension.

When we arrived at the school, I pulled up near the entrance. "You've got this, Chloe," I said, reaching back to give her hand a gentle squeeze.

Travis opened his door and stepped out, offering his hand to Chloe. "Ready?" he asked, giving her an encouraging smile.

Chloe took a deep breath and nodded, taking his hand as they walked towards the school building. I watched them go, my heart full of love and concern for her. She was facing her fears, and I couldn't have been prouder.

Sitting in the car, I waited, ready to be there for Chloe at a moment's notice. I knew the day wouldn't be easy for her, but I also knew she had the strength to get through it, especially with Travis there to support her. As they disappeared from view, I felt a mix of anxiety and hope. Chloe was growing up, learning to face challenges head-on. And no matter what the day held for her, she knew she had a family who would always have her back.

A few minutes later, Travis came back to the car, a wide grin on his face. He laughed as he got in, shaking his head in amusement.

"You should've seen it," he said, still chuckling. "I used my deepest, most serious football voice to say goodbye to Chloe. Scared half the kids in the hallway! They probably think she's got her own personal bodyguard now."

His attempt to lighten the mood worked, bringing a smile to my face. I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. "Thanks for being there for her. And for trying to make this easier for me too."

Travis' smile softened, and he reached for my hand. "She's going to be okay, Tay. Chloe's a tough kid. She's got this."

I nodded, but my hand lingered on the ignition key, unable to turn it. A part of me wanted to stay, just in case Chloe needed me. "It''s hard to just drive off."

Travis gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "I get it. But we've given her the tools to handle this. She knows she can call us at any time, and she knows we're here for her. Trusting her to take these steps is part of helping her grow."

His words were wise, and I knew he was right. But the maternal instinct in me was strong, the urge to protect and be there for Chloe overwhelming.

"We can wait a bit longer if it makes you feel better," Travis suggested, understanding my hesitation.

I let out a small sigh, grateful for his support. "Yeah, just a few more minutes."

We sat there in the car, a comfortable silence between us. Travis didn't rush me or make me feel silly for my concerns. He was just there, a steady presence by my side.

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