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*Few minutes before*


Hanbin was still staring at me like a creep even when all the other three left the place with Lia.

There was pin drop silence, all I could hear was our breathing sounds.

"Let me go." I broke the silence but he ignored and was deeply staring at me.

"Let me go you creep. I thought you were a nice guy but you all are the same" I spit out all these words clear and clean while struggling to get out of his grip.

"Your so stubborn." For the first time in my life I heard his voice. It was melodious but it's not the time to melt.

"Just let me go" As I struggled more his grip tightened.

"Please, I have my friend in trouble there I can't just stand here and let her suffer alone. I know your a nice guy and I won't even ask for your help, please just let me go and save my friend." I sobbed while I begged him to leave me.

"You think you can save your friend from the devil itself?" He asked. I didn't answer.

"Don't get yourself in trouble with him. He's a no good news. Don't ever try to be his target you will regret your existence if you did." He said.

"But I can't just stay here and watch my friend getting bullied by your friends for no reason. Whatever happened that day was just a mistake how can he go so overboard with his bullying." I cried out still struggling from his tight grip in hope that he will let me go.

"He does whatever he wants to do. He gets whatever he wants. Nobody can stop him. And if you tried to stop him your gonna regret your whole life. You will be living in real nightmare." He said.

"Now stop struggling and stay still."

"You never helped him in all these shits that's what I've heard and even noticed. Then why are you helping him now?" I asked curiously. He got closer to me making me shift uncomfortably.

"Because I don't want you getting in trouble with him." He said making me confuse and curious.

"Why do you even care about it?" I asked searching for his eyes looking for any kind of emotions in them. He sighed.

"You ask too many questions." He said not making a decision of letting her go this soon.

"Let go of me" I struggled yet I couldn't get myself free from his grip.
He was so strong it made me feel so weak.
But I didn't give up, I tried my level best to get out from his hold.

"Urgh. Your making this hard. I've no option left now but to"

He didn't complete his sentence as he dragged her in a corner where there was a small door.

"Where are you taking me? Leave me you jerk"

He pushed the door open while I still struggled afraid of his motive to bully me. My eyes widened when he dragged me inside the door and it was very tiny room probably just for storing purpose.
He got a hold of a rope and tied my hands even when I was struggling so much.

I felt so disappointed with myself tht I was not even able to tackle a single guy. His strong grips just made me wonder that how can this guy even be so strong or am I jst too weak?

He tied me up (hands and legs too) and I was lying on the floor shouting at him.
I was too loud for his likings, so he put a cloth in my mouth to prevent any sounds.
I was totally helpless.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to do this but this is the only way you can avoid them and save yourself from any nightmares that'll haunt you" He said with a sad guilty expressions.

I don't know why but my heart believed him and I could sense that he was not a bit happy to tie me down like this. I stopped struggling and stayed still.
He sighed calmly watching me stop with my struggles.

"Now I'm going to go out and close the door. It will be creepy dark here. Just give me five minutes and you'll be out from here with your friend." He said while walking to the door.

I pleaded him with my eyes to not to leave me alone here in the dark but he gave me an apologizing look.

Just as he was about to close the door, he turned around and said

"I'm doing this for you, I hope you understand"

I didn't know why he was doing this, he just confuse me more. I made muffled sounds saying not to leave me here but he closed the door and left. I was met with darkness and I was so scared, it was creepy.

After a few minutes, I heard some sounds of some people talking and I think I knew who they were. I started struggling and tried to make some sounds through my packed mouth just incase Lia was there with them and she could help me out. Tears escaped my eyes.

I felt suffocated and I was going out of breath. The dark surrounding and lack of oxygen was making me breath less. It felt like I was going to die.

I was about to close my eyes just then the door wide opened and a small breeze hit me and it felt so good.

Opening my eyes I saw Lia running towards me as she helped me untie the ropes. The unpleasant smell hit my nose and it came from Lia. I closed my eyes stopping myself to tear up anymore.

We came out of that room and saw that only we both were there in that alley. There was no sign of them. It's not like I wanted to see them that bad but I did wanted to see Hanbin. One side I wanted to slap him and one side I don't know it felt like he just did all of this to help me.

I ignored that and focused my eyes on Lia who looked vulnerable. She cried and told me everything that they did to her and I did the same.

"Y/n, I think it's better you don't talk to me and act as a stranger in school. I don't want you to be in trouble because of me."

"No, Lia. I can't leave you alone. We can report this directly to the police."

"Please y/n. Try to understand. You can't fight these people they're too strong and powerful to go against them."

"If that's the thing then we'll struggle together. I can't let you be alone in this."

"Y/n don't be stupid now. This isn't a joke for me and you to struggle together. I can't. I'm ready to suffer alone but I can't drag you in this. After all everything is my fault. Please don't get into this. Try and understand."

"But Li-"

"Not a word, y/n. If you get involved I'll die. According to him, if anyone gets involved he'll make me suffer more. So please stay out of this and make it less painful for me."

Those words hurt me damn much but she was right.
Deep down my thoughts, those words screamed selfishness, it was like she didn't care about me or anything but only herself. I ignored the least expecting thing.
I know that she is not such type of a person.

It was painful seeing her like this and I was not even able to help her when she needed me the most. I dissed myself for that. For her.



Forgive me for the slow update but these days I am very busy with some important stuff.
So the upcoming chapters will be delayed for a few days but if I get some free time I will absolutely publish the next chapters.
I hope you understand me<3

Thank you.

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