The Punch

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☆✭✮ Continuation.✮✭☆


1st attempt.

Clark was playing video games in the dark living room at 9:00 in the evening, the screen of his tv where the only ones providing light, as it constantly changes colors throughout his gameplay.

He had his struggles throughout a match of a game called... "Mortal combat 1" he surprisingly lost after getting out skilled in a multiplayer match.

Clark: could've just pulled a double combo instead, stupid controller..

*Lightly throws controller away*

As he was letting his frustration out after that sigh, his expression turned surprised as soon as he suddenly sees a sign randomly taped on the very middle of the flat-screen tv.

The writing on the sign was even glowing, providing him to see it through the dark, so that he can read it legibly.

It says:

"PlEaSe bIg OnIi-ChAn ClArK wE SeEk HeLp On GeTtInG rId oF tHe BiG bAd dOiNg EvIl tHiNgS iN tHe LeArNiNg BuIlDiNg 🥺🥺🙏"

Meanwhile, Gumball and Darwin at the back were spying on Clark this entire time, they were both hiding behind the stair wall.

Darwin then took a glance at Gumball before he completely looks at him dismissively.

Darwin: what kind of considerate message was that!?

He says in a loud whisper, before he sees Gumball shrugging, telling him that he was just following what Darwin suggested to him: "act cute to get a perk."

Clark's reaction wasn't violent, nor was it a convincing one. His expression turns blank the moment he realizes that this sign was written from his two little siblings, it's like they can't stop pleading for his help, although it's already made like a constitution:

"whoever tries to counter the skull shall perish from the school building."

(You can find the new written law at the very entrance of the school already.)

Gumball: you could have gave me suggestions..

He remarked quietly, as Darwin just scoffed it off and rolls his eyes.

Darwin: I told you to write cute, not act like a typical anime girl and expect a nonchalant person to give what you want and die out of cuteness!

Clark can hear the two whisper even further from behind, he decides to throw a response to them as he turns around and yells at them.

"You two ain't ever gonna convince me to do things that'll get me parsihed!"

Gumball sighs.

Darwin: oh don't give me that sigh in defeat, you made me do the first move when it's your idea.

He stands up and heads back to their room, slamming the door close, and leaves Gumball the only one remaining on the stairs.

The cardboard was then thrown back to Gumball at the back of his head like a shuriken, the impact was a bit painful so he held the back of his head.

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