Becoming one of them

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The following weeks had its fair share of steamy moments and sweet gentle moments. One morning when Bucky got up to get dressed he pulled out the fabric and metal, "What exactly are these?" He asked as Atlia pulled out a grey gown with silver cuffs. "Traditional Greek god attire." She said with an air of regality.

Bucky laughed, "Show me." He said handing them to her. Atlia's tail quivered with excitement then she helped him dress.

As the weeks continued to pass Bucky wore the traditional Greek outfits more often, much to Atlia's delight. At Bucky's request she began teaching him who each of the gods were and as much of the lineage as he could understand.

One afternoon Atlia excitedly pulled him out of the door once he had eaten lunch, he chuckled as she pulled, "What are you so excited about?" Atlia grinned, "I have a surprise for you!" Bucky's brow raised as they exited the hut, "A surprise?" Atlia smiled enthusiastically, then in the ancient Greek language she spoke loudly, Bucky understood most of what she said, "Akakios, I feel he is ready. If you would come." Atlia turned to Bucky and smiled as heavy steps could be heard emerging from a thick section of the woods. As she turned back to the forest a large beast emerged. It had thick golden fur, a large mane, head and body of a lion, large bat like wings were folded against its massive body. A long scorpion like tail swayed behind it, the end covered in long spines. It's mouth looked beastly as it smiled, revealing three rows of sharp teeth.

Bucky stood frozen to his spot in the door way as Atlia pet its thick mane, she turned back to Bucky, "This is Akakios. He is a Manticore." Bucky half heartedly waved, Atlia motioned for him to come closer, which he hesitantly did. Atlia giggled, "He won't hurt you. He is a very good friend of mine." The large beast bowed his head at Bucky before speaking in a deep rumbling voice, "You must be James Barnes. You are well known among the beasts and creatures, as well as the gods. It is an honor to meet you."

Bucky let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, "It's nice to meet you. I didn't realize I was known to very many others at all." Akakios laughed, "Word travels fast in this land." Atlia giggled, "That it does." Bucky let out another heavy breath, "I will have to say, getting to meet a friend of Atlia's is quite a surprise. She has told me a lot about the ones she knows here."

Atlia and Akakios shared a glance then both smiled, Atlia took Bucky's hand, "That is only part of the surprise." Bucky's brow rose as Akakios turned so he had Bucky to his right then knelt down. Atlia motioned to the manticore's back, "Go ahead. Climb on." Bucky stared wide eyed at the massive animal kneeling beside him, even knelt down Akakios' shoulder was still above his waist.

He looked at Atlia, "Wait. What?" Akakios turned his head towards Bucky, "It is all right. Climb upon my back and hold tight to my mane." Bucky blinked a few times, "You can't be serious." Atlia smiled and nudged him forward, "Yes. I am. Akakios got permission from Artemis to escort us on a flight over the forest." Bucky looked from Atlia to Akakios before extending a hand forward and touching the soft thick fur of the creature's back. It was softer than anything he had ever felt before.

Akakios purred, "I swear upon my goddess you will not be harmed." Altia nudged Bucky again, "You will get to see the forest how I have seen it." Bucky took a deep breath, urged on by how much he could tell this meant to Atlia, and hoisted himself onto the broad back of the large manticore. Once Bucky secured his legs around the manticores middle and grabbed a handful of his mane, he watched Atlia's smile widen and in a quick flap of her own wings, she took to the air.

Bucky braced himself as Akakios beat his large wings and followed Atlia up into the sky, above the treetops. Once they had reached Atlia he looked around, the view was beyond amazing. He saw forest and clearings for what seemed to be miles, several large outcroppings of hills and cliffs lay in the distance. And far to the north was a large mountain with golden light surrounding the top.

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