The Amazon

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Steve and Bucky flew over the Amazon for a long time, circling around the center of it. Not seeing any obvious place they would find Artemis they set down on a wide open bank as close to the geographical center as they could. They searched for several days before Bucky decided they would need help. Pulling out the small palm sized pan flute he blew into it. After a while a green mist appeared and out walked Agreus and Nomios. "We 'eard your call Bucky. We also 'eard you visited Eros." Nomios spoke as soon as the mist cleared.

Bucky nodded, "Yeah, no luck there." Agreus put a burly arm around Bucky, "We also 'eard Ares 'as taken quite an interest in you." Steve leaned against a tree, "Why is that?" Nomios shrugged, "Not sure really. But 'e 'as said you and any mortal associated with you is to be left alone." Agreus nodded, "And to get protection from an Olympian God is quite a feat."

Bucky sighed, "Only if it helps me get Atlia back." Nomios kicked at a rotted log with his hoof, "Ares doesn't quite care about her. Just that you aren't 'armed by another god." Agreus released Bucky and put his hands on his furry hips, "Why did you call for us?" Bucky gestured to the rainforest around them, "We have been searching for days for Artemis's Oasis. But no luck. Hades said it was in the heart of the Amazon." Nomios looked around, "You aren't far from it. But it isn't obvious like 'ades or Eros's places." Agreus nodded, "We 'ave a limited time 'ere, but we can take you close."

They all headed off, led by Agreus. Nomios was walking beside Steve, "So, you must be 'is best friend. 'E told us about you." Steve raised a brow, "Yeah, I am." Nomios gave Steve a pat on the shoulder, "Told us you were once a bitty little thing. Though 'e didn't quite use those words. But from the way 'e talked about you, you meant as much to 'im and our little philoi, Atlia, means to us." Steve smiled, "So you two are good friends with Atlia?"

Nomios smiled, "That we are. Known 'er for almost 35 'undred years. She was a youngin then. But she sure was a delight." Steve cleared his throat a little, "Unfortunately our first encounter with her wasn't so great. We seemed to have severely misjudged her." Agreus let out a bellowing laugh from ahead of them, "Oh don't be so 'ard on yourself for it. Mortals 'ave always 'ad a 'ard time understanding our world." Steve cleared his throat again, "Still."

Nomios gestured up to Bucky, who was walking beside Agreus, "If you 'adn't of misjudged 'er, 'e never would 'ave spent all that time with 'er. We would 'ave 'ad to wait a least a 'undred more years before we got to see 'er again. And she wouldn't 'ave finally found someone who loves 'er like 'e does." Nomios sighed heavily, "That poor girl 'as always been looked down on by anything 'igher on the totem pole than creatures and beasts like us."

After a while of walking they heard a pan flute play a tune in the distance. Agreus stopped, "We are out of time 'ere. Follow the river until you see a small cave with a deer carved into the large stone at the entrance." Bucky embraced Agreus and then Nomios, "Thank you. If I don't have any luck here, I may need to call on you again. If Artemis can't help I am going to the land of the gods to find Leto. And now, Ares." Nomios smiled, "We will come if we can. Good luck Adelphos." Then both satyrs stood beside each other and vanished into the green mist.

Steve walked up to Bucky, "Adelphos?" Bucky smiled, "It means brother." Steve smiled back, "Who would have thought you would be called brother by a man-goat." Bucky chuckled, "Satyr. Trust me, I never expected my life to take such a turn." He cleared his throat, "Well, shall we?" They both headed down the riverbank.

After a few more minutes of walking Steve spotted the cave, "There it is." He said pointing. Bucky took a deep breath, "Let's hope she can help." They both entered the cave and after walking through a narrow curving path, it opened up to a large area. Furs lined the ground and walls, bows and arrows and hunting knives were displayed everywhere. A huge fire roared in the stone fireplace, lighting the whole place in a warm glow. As they reached the center of the large room, they heard a woman's voice, "Curse-breaker." They turned and saw a tall woman in a knee length brown chiton.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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