The Hash Out

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Grant's POV
I make it to Candice's apartment and knock on the door, I'm so excited to see her. I missed her like crazy. She opens the door but when I see her I don't see that amazing bubbly smile I love so much I see sad eyes like the ones I saw the last time I talked to her. C: "come in" G: "are you alright I got here as fast as I could do you need anything, I'm so sorry for what I did 2 months ago but I really meant everything I said, I really do love you and-" C: "I'm pregnant" G: "and- wait what" C: "I'm pregnant" my jaw drops and I go take a seat at the table. G: "are you sure" C: "yeah I'm sure" she then pulls out 2 tests that both say pregnant, and I just don't know what to think. G: "are you gonna keep it" C: "yeah" G: "didn't we use protection" C: "I thought so until I remember the first night we didn't" G: "I knew I had forgot something that day, do you know how far along you are" C: "no I actually have a doctor's appointment today If you would like to come, you don't have to if you don't want to though. Also if you don't want to be apart of the baby's life I totally understand if you-" G: "of course I want to come, and also be apart of you and the baby's lives" C: "not mine the baby's" G: "no yours too, I was hoping that when you wanted to talk that you had changed your mind about not being together because I was thinking of breaking up with LA". C: "why would you do that after telling her you wanna marry her and taking her back" G: "BECAUSE I NEVER WANTED TO TAKE HER BACK IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I yell slightly regreting my tone as I squat to the ground and put my face in my hands C: "wh- what do you mean" G: "I mean that I want to be with you, you are my everything, you have been since the day we meet. My biggest regret in life is letting you go thinking it was for the best when it wasn't" I say as I stand back up C: "then why did you get with her in the first place" G: "because by the time I realized that it wasn't for the best and that I had made a huge mistake, it seemed that I was to late. You looked so happy, and I didn't want to ruin that, and LA was as close as I could get to filling the whole I had in my heart after losing you." Tears now streaming down both our faces. C: "that still doesn't explain why you got back with her" G: "because you left you didn't even give me a chance to prove that I wanted you back and wanted what we had back." C: "what exactly did we have" G: "everything"

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