♡How You Met♡

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You guys met in highschool. You were both outcasts, and as a matter of fact Axl used to bully you until you got tired of his shit and bitch slapped him. Impressed with your hot-headedness and temper, he quickly gained a newfound respect for you and asked if you wanted to hang out with him and Izzy (they grew up together in Indiana, Axl talks about it in multiple interviews).

You hesitantly said yes and he ended up taking you to this skatepark. The two of you sat on the edge of the bowl and got to know each other while Izzy practiced his tricks, and you found out that you actually had a lot in common. Axl quickly became your best friend and soon a romantic love began to blossom between the two of you.

"You're a good type of different, though...a pretty type of different."


Your older brother Steven introduced you guys in middle school. Him and Slash were in seventh grade and you were in sixth and hadn't yet made any new friends. Needless to say you got along great with Slash and even loosened up enough to stir up some trouble with him. The two of you made it your own personal mission to annoy the shit out of Steven every time he went into protective big brother mode, and pushed him to his limit multiple times throughout highschool.

"You're such an idiot...you're my idiot, though."


You met at a record store. You were both looking for the new Rolling Stones record and he found the last one left and bought it for you. After that you invited him over to your house and you listened to it together.

"I've never met a girl who liked the Rolling Stones. I like you..."


You moved in across from him in elementary school. He helped you unpack and was absolutely mesmerized by your extensive record collection, but your copy of Srgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles was the icing on the cake for him. You two bonded over your love for punk music as you got older, and eventually became inseperable.

"Dude...you're like if Sid Vicious and Robert Plant had a daughter...you're fuckin' gnarly bro!"


He saw you walking your pug (anybody who loves Steven knows that he has a pug obsession) and ran out to ask if he could pet it. When he saw that you had a Frankie Valli shirt on he was hooked and decided to accompany you on your walk. He rambled on and on, but somehow his innability to shut up only coaxed you into gaining a certain fondness for him.

"I love pugs so much, dude. I like Frankie Valli too. I'm not sure what my favorite song of his is, though. What's your favorite Fankie Valli song? You're really pretty, you know that? What's your favorite music besides Frankie? I like KISS and Queen..."

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