♡Blurred Lines - Axl Rose♡

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Trigger Warnings: Mention of domestic violence/parents fighting

I'm low-key thinking about turning this into a mini-series. No idea where this is gonna go but I guess we'll see. :)

Walking to class, she kept her head down as she tried to ignore the whispers echoing around her. She hugged her books to her chest, wanting the day to be over as she eventually ducked into the last classroom on the right and scittered over to her assigned seat in the last row from the back.

He watched her lower her eyes, as he set his textbook and his bag of weed in his locker. She interested him. Her wavy locks - an even brighter fiery orange than his - were pulled back with a pink ribbon. Her jeans were a cool denim blue with white flower prints and her white sweater hugged her figure scrumptiously at the same time the baggy sleeves covered her delicately manicured hands.

She opened her book to page 183 per her teacher's instructions, tapping her pencil on her leg as she waited for the lesson to start. She could feel his eyes on her - the greenish brown hues burning into the back of her neck. She kept her eyes on the words and pictures covering the textbook, pretending to ignore him.

The truth was, the fact that somebody (a guy, in particular) was interested in her excited her. Every time they caught each other's stares from across the class room or bumped into each other at lunch - which seemed to be more and more often - her heart would race and this stupid little grin would involuntarily appear on her lips.

He studied her vigorously, taking in every detail of her as she sat two seats ahead in the row to his right. The sun was shining right on her, highlighting the little streaks of natural blond in her red locks. Her pink ribbon was coming untied, and he fought the urge to ask if he could fix it. The way he felt about her confused him. He really only saw the girls at school as pussy, not people. But with her it was different, and he was having a very hard time accepting that.

She glanced up to see him standing by the door, staring at her intensely as he sharpened his pencil with the sharpener attached to the wall. The shavings fell into the trashcan like snow, and she chose to focus more on that than on the tall redhead staring at her with his greenish brown eyes.

Before she knew what was happening, the kid beside her was being bullied out of his seat and the redhead was getting settled in. He turned to her, staring at her so hard it made her shrink back into her sweater.


His voice was deep and velvety, and it made him just that much more handsome. She glanced at him, blushing as she saw just how he was looking at her. She felt like she was being scrutinized, but not necessarily in a bad way.


"You got a name, pretty girl?"

The butterflies that were already flittering around her her tummy began to lose their minds. Her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as she finally gathered the courage to hold eye contact with him.

"Y/n. You're Axl, right?"

He smirked, fidgeting with the silver band on his right middle finger.

"Guess I'm not so anonymous anymore, am I?" he countered, referring to his usual antics and trouble making.

Y/n shook her head, smiling softly.


Y/n gasped, tensing a bit as Axl snuck up behind her and silently slid an arm around her shoulders. Class had ended and the only things left in the school day were lunch and one more class period.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked a little suspicsiously.

Axl's voice was smooth and nonchalant as he answered, staring ahead at the end of hall.

"Going to lunch."

"People are gonna think we're dating." Y/n whispered nervously.

"Is it such a bad thing if they do?" Axl countered, trying to hide the hope in his voice. He wasn't planning on necessarily asking y/n out, but he wanted to keep other guys away from her. He wanted her to be his.


They walked to the lunch room at a slower pace, Axl keeping y/n hugged close to his side the whole way there. He let go of her to go through the lunch line, but was surprised to find that y/n hesitantly hugged his arm.

He glanced down at her, smiling gently when she looked up at him with her big eyes. Visibly nervous, she immediately moved her hands back to her sides and looked down at the floor, blushing.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Axl shook his head, holding his arm back out to her.

"No, no it's okay. I don't mind at all."

Y/n didn't hesitate to hug his arm again, blushing as she looked around the cafeteria. Every girl in the room was staring jealously at them, and the boys were looking a mix of disappointed and impressed that the town's outcast rocker delinquent kid had gotten the little shy girl everybody secretly crushed on.

They got their food and found an empty table near the back, talking quietly as they ate. Of course, everybody continued to stare at the two teenagers with their heads together, giggling and quite obviously making fun of people. Well, Axl would make fun of people and y/n would just blush and try not to giggle since she felt bad about it.

The rest of the day followed with Axl walking y/n to her last class, and then somehow hunting her down in the stampede of students at dismissal and offering to walk her home. She smiled, happily obliging and linking her arm with the redhead's as he offered it.

They took their sweet time, neither really wanting their time together to end as they got to know each other more. It was quite the walk from school to y/n's house, and Axl was surprised that she walked to and from school every day.

Y/n eventually stopped in front of little stone cottagecore looking house with square hedges liking the walkway and an oaktree in the front yard with a tire swing.

Axl looked between y/n and the house, smiling as it suited her to live in a place like that.

"I guess I gotta leave now, huh?" Axl said, slightly bummed. Y/n giggled, smiling up at him.

"Yeah, but maybe mama will let you come over for dinner one night. Who knows what the future holds."

Axl shrugged, smiling as he thought about meeting y/n's mother and being able to spend time with y/n outside of school. Axl asked for y/n's phone number, surprised that she gave it to him so willingly.

"I'll see you tomorrow." he said with a wink. Y/n couldn't help but smile like a little kid as she watched him saunter down the sidewalk in his tight blue jeans and half unbuttoned flannel.

Her smile disappeared however, when he turned the corner toward the entrance of neighborhood she'd led him to and she went the opposite way.

She didn't live in the cute little cottage with the white picket fence. She lived in the last house at the dead end in the back of the neighborhood that was covered in grime, had over-grown grass that went to her knees, and screens over the windows that were ripped.

Yelling and fighting echoed from inside the house when she pulled her keys out to unlock the door, and she flinched as a plate crashed against the wall next to her head before she quicklu shut the door and scurried off to her room, praying Axl would call sooner or later so she could have some form of disctraction besides her homework.

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