♡How They Ask You Out♡

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He did it in the most awkward and begrudging way possible. After 6 months of being harassed by Izzy he decided to tape a note to your locker Junior year of highschool. It simply said:

Meet me at McDonald's. I wanna talk to you.

P.S. Wear something nice

xoxo, Ax

(Ya'll he's a broke teenager...give him a break, plus we all know if he really tried he could make even McDonald's at least a little bit romantic)


He went all out, on account of Steven threatened to beat his ass if he didn't give you the princess treatment. He met you outside of work when your shift ended around Christmas of Sophomore year with your favorite flowers.

"Please say yes..." *wipes sweaty hands on jeans*

"Why would I not say yes? You're my own personal special idiot..."

"Shut up and take the damn flowers, Adler."


He quite literally spraypainted WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME in 5 foot high letters on the wall of the skatebowl, and then stood in the bottom of it and told you that if you really cared about him you'd do that one trick you were terrified to do...you're first date consisted of you both getting casts and then decorating them on his living room floor afterward.

"C'mon, babe! It'll be fine! If you fall I'll catch you!"

*attempts trick, plows into Izzy*


*groans comically*

"I think you broke my wrist, y/n..."

"Fuck you, Stradlin."


Being the sweetheart and total gentleman that he is, he walked you home after school and asked you out on the way. He even made you guys matching thread chevron bracelets of your favorite colors...and stumbled over his words so bad you could barely understand him and his sweet little face was redder than a tomato.

"Y'know, y/n...y-you uh...um...r-really pretty and s-sweet and I...uh..."


"Spit it out, McKagan..."


*kisses Duff on the cheek*

"I thought you'd never ask!"


He wrote his confession on a paper airplane in math class and threw it at you...it hit you in the face, got you detention and you didn't talk to him for a week.

"Real smooth, Steven. Reeeeeal fuckin' smooth."

*whines like a puppy*

"I'm sorrryyyy! I said I was sorry like a million times!"


"You're too stupid for your own good, Steven Adler."

*gives y/n his signiture durpy smile*

"That wasn't supposed to be a compliment..."

"I know...i just like you so much."

"Shut up and go to class, Steven."

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