♡☽Did You Get Enough Love, My Little Dove? - Slash☽♡

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1991 - Use Your Illusion one tour - Toronto, Canada

The lights were too bright, the floor was too cold, and the police station was too loud.

Slash had been arrested for doing God know what...again. His bail had been set at $10,000 simply because the authorities knew they could get that kind of money from him, even though his holding cell mate (who'd been arrested for the same thing) only had a $500 bail. [

Y/n's small, delicately manicured hands trembled as she counted the money. One hundred dollar bill after one hundred dollar bill was handed to the rude-looking lady behind the glass barrier until Y/n had finally counted out $10,000.

She stood there barefoot, barely dressed in a little satin pyjama set and silk robe. Her hair was still damp from running across the parking lot in the rain. As a matter of fact y/n was pretty sure she'd locked her keys in her car. It didn't matter. She was too tired and too upset with Slash to care.

The lady took the money and handed y/n a clipboard with a bunch of papers on it, telling her to fill the sheets out while they went to get Slash from his holding cell.

45 minutes later he came stumbling out into the lobby with vomit all over his shirt and his leather jacket draped over his arm. He smirked at her like he didn't have a care in the world, and it was all y/n could do to not bitch slap him and leave him there.

This wasn't what she was promised when she'd married him 6 months before. This wasn't what she'd signed up for...at all.

You dragged Slash down the hall and through the front door, not caring that he stumbled his way through the parking lot and almost fell twice.

"Aw babe i'm sorry..." Slash slurred, not even really fully knowing why you were mad. You didn't say anything as you started the car and backed out of your parking spot.

Slash waited for you to say something, to sigh and tell him it was okay and that everybody made mistakes, but you stayed quiet. You said nothing to him for the remainder of your drive back to the hotel; you just kept your eyes transfixed on the road and a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel.

Your silence spoke volumes to Slash and - as drunk as he still was - he realized that he must've really fucked up. He sobered up real quick as he watched you from the passenger seat. Your clenched jaw, the tears pooling in your eyes that you refused to let spill over, your tiny hands gripping the steering wheel like a vice.

He'd never seen you visibly upset...or maybe he had and he was just too fucked up to give a damn.

"Baby?" he said softly, trying his luck one last time as y/n pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

Y/n sighed as she turned the car off, staring ahead at the tree she'd parked in front of as she let her hands sit limply in her lap.

"I can't do this, Saul. I can't keep living like this. We're not even in the fucking United States and you've managed to get arrested. I mean, the fees and the court costs and...Jesus."

Slash just looked at his wife. He'd never seen y/n this upset, upset enough to call him by his real name. He didn't exactly remember what he'd done to get arrested, but he knew that if he wanted things to still be okay within their marriage, he'd have to get his shit together real fuckin' fast.

Not saying a word, Slash got out of the car and stumbled over to the drivers side. He opened the door, sticking his hand out for y/n to take. She just stared at it for a moment before sniffling and allowing him to help her out of the car.

They helped each other into the lobby, Slash more leaning on y/n than y/n leaning on Slash as she led them to the elevator. She managed to get them to the hotel room and get Slash stripped before she got him in the bed.


Y/n lay in bed, unable to sleep as she stared at the ceiling. Slash was snoring beside her, an arm draped over her tummy as he slept off his drunken haze.

Unable to stay still any longer, y/n gently wiggled out from under Slash's arm and sat up, dangling her feet off the edge of the bed. She rubbed her eyes before shuffling into the bathroom and easing the door so it was cracked slightly.

She turned the water on, slipping her robe off and closing her eyes as she stepped under the hot waterfall. She slowly untensed her muscles, feeling her lower lip tremble as she slicked her hair back under the water.

Y/n had been so strong for so long, and now she just couldn't do it anymore. She felt like a horrible wife, a horrible lover, and she hadn't even done anything to make those feelings valid.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been standing under the water before she heard the shower curtain slide open and two muscular arms enveloped her from behind.

Y/n leaned her head back against Slash's shoulder, letting herself cry freely as he just hugged her and rocked the two of them from side to side.

"I'm sorry," Slash whispered, fighting back tears himself. He'd promised himself and y/n that he'd be a good husband, a good partner. And so far he'd only managed to succeed in trying to wreck their marriage.

Y/n turned in Slash's arms, wrapping her own around his torso as she just breathed him in. She loved him too much to leave him, but she was afraid that if an effort to fix things wasn't willing to be made, she might have to leave.

The possessive and highly comforting way Slash held y/n convinced her to stay, though. How he nuzzled his nose in her wet hair, and rubbed his fingers around her back. It was clear that Slash knew he was dangerously close to losing y/n, and that he was willing to do what he needed to do to prevent that from happening.

"Turn around." he said softly. Y/n pulled away and looked up at him to see a gentle smile on his face despite the shame and sadness in his eyes.

She did as told, sighing as her husband lathered some shampoo in her hair and massaged her scalp gently. He made sure not to get any soap in her eyes as he rinsed it out, being careful not to get her hair tangled in her diamond earrings.

She did the same for him, and it went on like that until both lovers were clean and smelling of lavender. Slash got out first, drying off quickly before holding a towel open in his arms for y/n to step into.

The guitarist wrapped the fluffy white towel around his wife, gently rubbing the water droplets away before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

He picked her up bridal style, keeping her wrapped in the towel as he carried her to the bed. He gently set her down on the soft cotton sheets, unwrapping the towel from her body and throwing it in a random corner of the room. The light from the bathroom made a gold walkway in the dark room, softly illuminating just enough of the hotel room so that Slash could do what he needed to do without bumping into anything.

Slash wandered over to y/n's suitcase, grabbing her silk slipover.

"Arms up." he coaxed. His voice was soft and husky like it always was when he was tired, and y/n couldn't help but smile up at him.

He slipped the nightie over her head, letting the silk fall over the peaks of her breasts and land in a puddle on her thighs. He then tucked y/n in, kissing her forehead like a little kid before going to turn the bathroom light off.

He shuffled back over to the bed, cursing quietly as he hit his knee on the nightstand before crawling in and turning on his side to face his lover.

"I'm gonna fix us. We'll find a good marriage counselor and I'll get sober and we'll be okay. I'll buy us a house and-an-"

Y/n stopped the guitarist dead in the middle of his sentence, pressing her finger to his lips. She traced them softly, admiring him. Of course, she couldn't see him in the dark but she knew he was there and she knew he was just as pretty as he always was.

"You recognized the problem and you're willing to fix it. That's the hardest part, babes. It's all downhill from here." she whispered.

The guitarist didn't say anything. He just pulled y/n into him and rubbed her back while she buried her face in his neck, pressing her lips to his soft, cool skin as she fell into what was probably the first peaceful night of sleep she'd gotten in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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