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Of course Axl is into PDA. He's not so much into it as Steven or Duff is, but he does like to show others that you're his. He'll keep an arm around your waist or hold your hand, and he's not afraid to share a chaste kiss with you in front of the cameras.


He's not all that much into PDA, but he will hold your hand. In fact, he's almost always holding your hand in public. It's a sort of comfort to him, considering his shy nature.


Similar to Slash, Iz isn't really into PDA. He'll hold your hand and occasionally link arms with you like the gentleman he is, but PDA just isn't really his thing despite the love he feels for you.


Duff isn't afraid to show the world that you belong to him. He almost always has an arm around your shoulders or is holding your hand. When it comes to the cameras, he likes to keep a protective arm around your waist and press a gentle kiss to your forehead or cheek.


The man can't keep his damn hands off you. He's so proud to have you as his partner and he's not afraid to let the world know it. He's always holding your hand or keeping an arm draped around you, and he enjoys pressing little kisses to your lips, cheeks, forehead and nose in public.

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