♡Your First Date♡

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He took you to McDonald's. Yup...McDonald's. He was so sweet about it, though! He held the door for you, bought your food for you, and even played with you in the playplace (because you're teenagers and you're allowed to be stupid). He bought you a McFlurry and split it with you, grunting and blushing redder than a strawberry when you swiped some of the whip cream on your finger and dabbed it on the tip of his nose. The two of you talked about anything and everything, from your favorite color to your biggest dreams and the determination in his voice when he told you about his aspirations of moving to L.A. and making it big made you believe in him so much anybody else would've thought you were crazy. 

You ended up both tumbling down the slide in the playplace when you tried to convince him to slide down with you in his lap. You're pretty sure the entire structure shook with all the summer salts you did on the way down. Axl landed on his head with his feet propped on the end of the slide and you plowed into him (which folded the poor baby like a piece of paper when you landed on him), and you legitimately thought you killed him when his back popped all the way down his spine. 

Lucky for you, you were Axl's soft spot so he wasn't mad (not for that long, anyways) and soon you were forgiven and being loved up on. You decided to walk around downtown Lafayette for a bit after your meal and window shop, which is where he made his first move and took your hand in his. It was smooth - he just swung his arm and slid his into yours before swinging your arm back with his - and all you could do was look ahead and try not to smile like an idiot. 

He bought you flowers from this little floral shop before taking you home, where he walked you to your front door and handed you into your parents arms safely, all the while being probably the most respectful he'd ever been in his entire life. 


You went to see a local band that one of his friends was in. He dragged you to the front where the barricade was, and he moved you to where you were standing in front of him and held onto the barricade with his arms on either side of you, caging you in. You were a bit annoyed until the crowd started getting a little crazy, and all of a sudden being encaged between your boyfriend and the barricade wasn't all that bad. 

His cologne smelled immaculate (even though it was that $5 stuff from Walmart) and he moved to take your hands in his and wave your arms in the air as you leaned back against his chest. His breath tickled your ear as he leaned down to ask (or rather scream) if you liked the music, and you enthusiastically said 'yes', which made him very happy. 

The singer ended up giving you the setlist (because he was friends with Slash and recognized him) and kissed the back of your hand, making you blush and prompting Slash to give the dude a playful glare and hug you just a bit tighter. 

The night ended in a heated makeout session in the back of his car before he drove you home and made sure you got in the door before driving off. 


He taught you how to skateboard, convinced you to try doing a difficult trick, and got both of you put in the hospital with broken arms. 

Later that night, the two of you sat on his living room floor with a bunch of markers, pizza boxes and beers (that you were drinking illegally, may i add) everywhere, doodling on each other's casts. You half-heartedly watched some stupid rom-com and talked about random shit, sometimes getting lowkey depressed and at other times laughing until you cried. You ended up pulling the pepperonies off of your pizza slices and throwing them at each other, cheering way too loudly when you caught one in your mouth. 

Izzy ended up writing some sorta "secret" message on the underside of your cast, and when you looked in the mirror so you could see it later that night, butterflies filled your stomach when you saw a little heart with angel wings. It was so cliche, but it was also so sweet. 


He took you out record shopping. You spent the day wandering around Seattle, giggling as you jumped in puddles and asked the people walking buy if you could pet their dogs. 

You mostly only windowshopped, but Duff took careful note of anything you pointed out or he caught you giving goo goo eyes at. He was secretly planning to buy you those exact items or possibly something better once he acheived his dreams of becoming a musician. 

He brought you into this one hippy-looking shop that smelled like insense and was so smokey you could barely see, and Janis Joplin blared loudly from some scratchy speakers. He was a trooper as you dragged him around the store, changing your mind at what you wanted to look at every few minutes. One moment you were looking at jazz records, another you were knee-deep in the metal section. At one point you'd completely abandoned the hunt for vinyl and went to look at the crystal/tarot shelves toward the back. 

Duff never once let you out of his sight (being the protective gentleman he is) and looked for records you might like as he also looked for himself. He bought you these clunky red heart-shaped sunglasses that looked like something Bridget Bardot would've worn while she was high...and despite your complaints of looking "stupid" he insisted you take them (they're your favorite accessory now).  

You're pretty sure the cashier who checked you two out probably thought you were some stupid middle schoolers between Duff's electric blue hair, and your overly-cheeky smile. 


You two had what was supposed to be a romantic picnic in the park. You spent close to an hour preparing the food and organizing it in this pretty basket you found at an antique store only for it to start raining as soon as you got your blanket spread out and the food set up. 

Before you had a chance to stress about your ruined picnic though, Steven was hopping up and kicking his sneakers off. It was pouring the rain and his hair was sticking to his face, but as he offered his hand to you, you couldn't help but smile and give in to his carelessly excited attitude. 

You let him pull you to your feet and kicked your dungarees off before you ran hand in hand across the neatly mowed field of the park, making a beeline for the playground. He lifted you onto one of the swings and began pushing you, pulling you back as far as he could go and running under you before running back around to keep pushing you. 

You giggled, squealed and laughed as he pushed you, and once you got tired of the playground you just ran around in the rain like two little kids. You played tag (Stevie won, of course) and jumped in muddy puddles. You kissed like you were the main characters in a coming of age love story, and you allowed yourselves to live in the moment and forget about everything else for just a little bit.

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