Chapter four: Low tide

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Instead of the sun coming through the windows waking me up like normal II woke up to the sound of rain hitting the roof. It was a soothing sound but soon enough I got hungry enough to pick my self up out of bed. I groaned and, half-awake wandering towards the kitchen. I had a love-hate relationship with rain, It was beautiful to look at and think about but it was horrible to try and do anything in. I got out the ingredents to make Berry Oatmeal, prepared and ate it quickly so I coud get dressed on time, Since it was raining I layered it on thicker than I normally would have, T-shirt, Thick jacket for protection agianst the rain, Loose jeans without holes in them and my normal boots. After doing a quick rain check to make sure I had the proper clothes on I went outside and checked the farm.

It was raining so I didn't have to water the crops today or maybe even tommorow depending on how hard the rain fell. The Parsnips seemed to be doing fine and no weeds, random rocks or sticks had invaded the farm yet.

I checked the mailbox quickly. I slammed the mailbox close and decided to head into town. I still needed to find that Willy guy. I walked around town for awhile the only important thing I would need to keep in mind was the Saloon which I assumed was what Sam was talking about last night. There were a couple of other stores and three houses plus one trailer which is probably where some people lived. What a small town.

I started heading down wooden stairs that headed towards a small beach-side with one shop at the dock. I still had no clue who Willy was but decided to give up on that for now and just ask Sam later at the Saloon. I found a wide varity of shells on the seashore and shoved them into my pockets, there was another building on the beach, a small wooden that looked like it had been there a long time and been re-built double the years its stood,

I sat on the dock and watched the waves, The beach was always so much prettier when it was raining or when it was winter, the waves crashed into one another, lapping onto the sand and hitting against the dock in rhythmic motions.

"Ey lad, You the new farmer?" Another unfamiliar voice drifted through the sound of the waves, I looked up and saw a fisherman with a lit smoking pipe in his mouth, "Yeah." I responded simply, it was to early in the morning for a heavy conversation with some guy I didn't know. "Guess so." I finished not trying to keep the conversation going or let it end just wanting to look at the waves. The man let out a hearty laugh, "Ahh the old Farmer woulda loved 'ya." He let out a puff of smoke from his pipe.

"Yeah I bet he did." I muttered half heartedly under my breath. "Whatdaya say? Hearing ain't what it used ta be." I blinked at him, he didn't seem older than fifty but he knew the Farmer I guess it was up to question. "Do you know anyone named Willy?" I asked, I might as well ask someone who wasn't an ass for that information at least.

"Why that's me! Which reminds me, I jus' go' back from a fishin' trip. Big haul, Finally got enough for a new rod, figured you'd want my old one. It ain' much but it held up longer than you've been alive I reckon. Big money maker fishin', the mayor loves it. The Valley's got good waters, lotta fish." Willy answered before I could respond he leant down and pulled something out of a bag next to him and pulled out an old wooden rod. I blinked wondering how long that bag and he had been there.

"Do ya know how ta fish?" Willy asked, "Can't say I've learned?" I replied like it was a question, Willy was moving at a fast pace, clearly he loved fishing. "I can teach ya if ya want?" He asked, I nodded, I didn't have much else to do.

"So to cast ya jus'..."

Before I knew it I had caught a good haul of fish, "Ye just go put that in yer shipping bin outside yer farm and you'll be all good to go or ye can sell it at my shop o'er there." He pointed at the building on stilts near the water that had a couple of seagulls resting on its tin roof.

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