𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓸 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼 (2/2)

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----- Y/N's POV

"Okay, today's challenge is three-fold. Part one is to jump off this one thousand foot cliff, into the lake." Chris said to us, after we all changed into our swimsuits. I didn't really feel that comfortable wearing the swimsuit I brought with me, as it was actually a lot more.. skimpy than I thought it would be, so instead I wore a wetsuit. Bridgette had a similar idea, but hers was shorter in the sleeves and pants. To be honest, I've been fighting the urge to constantly call us twinnies since we first changed.

"Pshh, that'll be easy!" She said from beside me. "But that's like.. scarily high. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt here." Courtney replied, looking over the edge of the cliff. "Don't worry, it's safe. We think." Chris said, making Courtney give him the side eye. "If you look down there, you'll see two target areas. The wider area has some REAL dangerous sharks. They'll eat you up like that!" Chris laughed, snapping his fingers at that last part. "The smaller area is the only part of the lake we are 35% certain is safe. That's your target." "Excuse me? How are we supposed to survive that if you aren't even sure it's safe??" Leshawna asked. "Shut it. Anyways, for each member that we hope survives, there will be a crate filled with supplies waiting for you at the bottom. That's your second task. Haul it back to the camp, then make the best hot tub you can make. Best hot tub wins a killer party with all their teammates, and the loser sends someone home. Who's first?" He explains, somehow thinking this is okay. "I'm still concerned about if this is even legal or not! This sounds barbaric." Courtney says, making a mental note to talk to her lawyers later.

"Sooo, which one of us is going first..?" Bridgette asks. Crickets ensue. Some people turn towards me. "No, don't even think about it, I'm still being a pussy right now, check back later." I said, acting as if being a coward was on office hours. "Hey, don't sweat it guys! I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first, to make sure it's survivable." Owen says from the other side, with his team. "Heh, yeah. Chef had a real fun time with this one." Chris said, knowing that was a complete lie, who would enjoy this? Maybe Bridgette, but still.

She was the first to recommend someone that wasn't me. The person being herself. "I'll go! It's no biggie, just imagine the sharks aren't there!" She said, hyping herself up. "Break a leg, sweetheart." Duncan said, purposely trying to get her nervous. "Don't make her nervous like that! She has to go in with complete confidence in herself, otherwise she might mess up. I've seen that before online, terrifying stuff." I almost rambled on. "Yeah yeah, I honestly doubt that confidence has THAT much of an impact." He said, rolling his eyes. My devious nature was thriving right now, as I thought of a plan. "Oh really? Then how about you prove it for me then." I said, before pushing him off the cliff before he was ready. 

"Y/N, why did you do that?? What if he gets shredded up by those sharks?" Cody said from behind me. "Well, then it'll prove my point! Confidence really does affect performance." I replied. "Um.. Duncan's stupid tactic to get me all nervous worked, I don't wanna jump anymore.." Bridgette said in a low whisper. I grab her arm and link it with mine. "Then let's jump together!" I asked. She looked at me, smiled, then we started to get ready. "On the count of three. One.. Two.. THREE!!" 

After that, we both jumped off the cliff, the wind flying in our hair. I'd be a total liar if I said this wasn't incredibly exhilarating. A shot of adrenaline right to the blood! We both made it down in the safe zone, where I heard some cheering from above. "See? That wasn't so bad, right?" I tried somewhat calming Bridgette down, since I'm pretty sure her voice went hoarse after all that screaming. "Says the one who called themselves a pussy when people wanted to have you jump first." She giggled, and I laughed along with it, too.

--- Confessionals ---

Bridgette: I did not realize just how tall one thousand feet can really be. Y/N really helped with my nerves, though. They're just.. thoughtful like that, you know?

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