𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓠𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓼

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----- Y/N's POV

I lay on the floor, stirring before I finally wake up. Why is my phone ringing when it's still super mega dark out? Still super tired, I walk around the other girls who are either sleeping in the bunks or on the floor. I grab my phone and quickly dismiss it, since it wouldn't be urgent, right? I go to the communal bathrooms and see who it is. God damn it, not Him.

Looking through all the angry voicemails, I can say that they finally realized I was gone. I'm.. honestly surprised it took them that long to notice. Normally my parents would tell I'm gone as soon as they aren't startled by me when I open the door to go do whatever I get myself into. They've been calling since 4:00 in the morning, and its seemingly been a nonstop hour since then. I put my phone on silent, and get dressed. 


Sitting in my usual spot, I think back to just how long it's been since I've first been here. "Woah, Y/N? What's got you looking sad?" Sadie asks me, slightly frowning. I look up at her, and smile awkwardly. "Oh, nothing! Just woke up super early today.." "Oh yeah, you were up at like 5 AM, right?" Katie asks me, and I nod in response. "Yeah, I saw you! I heard some noises so I woke up and saw you walking to the bathrooms." She tells me. "Ahh.. Sorry I woke you up." Katie frowns at me a bit.

--- Confessionals ---

Katie: Ugh, I hate using confessionals, since I've been feeling.. paranoid for some reason. A-Anyways, Y/N is acting weird, and I hate to be a Nosy Nelly, but they're ALWAYS open with me! We're like.. perfect together. They're my all time bestie! Would it be mean if I said I've started liking them more than Sadie..? We're still besties for lifesties, but Y/N is so much more.. caring to what I have to say. They're super different too, so I love learning about them. Sadie's cool and nice too, but I haven't been enjoying our time together as much as she has. Hopefully this'll pass and I can just live with the fact that I'm kind of starting to dread being around my best friend.

--- End ---

Heather walks back into the cafeteria, she left for some odd reason, I don't know why. Katie follows in shortly after. She looks at me, obviously wanting to ask something. "Um.. Y-You know.. Since you're really good with your intuition and stuff, I want you to tell me if anything bad is gonna happen. Ever since last night, I've felt this dreading feeling that like.. I'll get voted off or something." She tells me. I look at her, her cute hair tied up in pigtails, her outfit that matches with Sadie, her flawless tan skin, and her worried expression. I just know it.

Something TERRIBLE is gonna happen.

"Um.. I'd recommend you keep things to yourself today. Talk at a minimum, especially around the other team." I warn her, and she gasps. "But.. What if I wanna talk to Sadie?" "Well, obvs you can talk to her, just don't say things you might regret." She looks at her options, then sighs. "Finee, but only because you're trustworthy. I know you'd never lie." Katie smiles at me, but then corrects herself. "B-But Sadie is also really trustworthy too..!" Sadie raises an eyebrow, since she wasn't listening all that much before. 

I still wanna keep Katie safe, so I have to make sure we win this.


Chris brought us out here, where a stage is being set up by some interns. I take a quick look at Noah, who looks up at me, and I sneak in a casual wink. I honestly think he's super cute when he blushes. I sit down with my team, Katie on my left and Tyler on my right. "Welcome to our state-of-the-art outdoor theatre! This challenge is a summer camp classic, a talent contest!" I smile, knowing I can actually put something on the table here. "Each team has eight hours to pick their three top talented campers. These three will represent their team, any talent of any sort will do! Juggling, singing, dancing, whatever. Anything goes, just as long as it's legal." Chris looks at Duncan at that last part, and he crosses his arms. "Rats, my plans foiled again.." He said sarcastically. 

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