𝓟𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓲𝓪 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻

439 14 112

----- Y/N'S POV

I sit around the campfire with the rest of my team, except for Bridgette and Sadie. Some others have their conversations, and Tyler and I are having ours. "Yeah! It just kind of sucks, I guess. When your girlfriend is on a different team, it makes for some awkward moments with the other team members.."  He scratches his head. "Well, I think you should just ignore them. You and Lindsay have such a cute relationship going on, and it would suck to see you two separated all because of teams." I gush about his relationship with Lindsay, I think it's adorable! More adorable than the time that I went to that animal shelter for a school project, and I got to meet all of the kittens and puppies. 

Before he can respond, the other team walks up to us, along with Brie and Sadie, who waves at me. I wave back. "Ugh, what do you all want? Here to praise us for our wonderful victory last challenge? Sorry, but the only offers I accept are that of cash." Courtney chuckles, mocking the other team. "We aren't here to worship you, we just brought some jello that we made from Chef's stash, and we wanted to give it to you as a peace offering." Gwen says, having Trent hold up the dessert. "Yum! Is it green apple or lime? I honestly don't know why green apple is such a popular flavor, when red apples are pretty much better, except for red delicious." I ask. "I think it's green apple, but I know right? I don't dislike green apples, but they're extremely overrated." Gwen replies. 

"Ugh.. Green jello?" Courtney winces. Trent holds up the plate, holding it closer to her visibly nervous face. "Yeah! We had some earlier, it's really good. We accidentally added a gummy worm into it though, so that's why it looks like that." Courtney slaps his arm, making him pull the plate away. "NO. I-I mean.. Uh.. No thanks. I'm okay." She says, smiling awkwardly. "What, you on some diet?" Duncan asks her, and she scoffs. "Of course not, I just.. I'm afraid of green jelly." She admits, cupping her face in her hands. "Wow, that's super pathetic." He replies. 

"So what's your biggest fear then?" Courtney looks at him angrily. "Huh?" "You heard me, pussy. What do you fear most? Respecting women?" She laughs at him. I catch DJ looking down at the jello, then flinching a bit. "What was that about?" I ask him, and he chuckles awkwardly. "Sorry, I thought it was a snake." "I feel ya, man. I'm mega afraid of chickens." Tyler admits. "Chickens? What are you, a pussy?" Duncan asks Tyler. "Look man, they just creep me out." 


--- Confessionals

Gwen: Suddenly, everyone went on this big conversation about what they're afraid of. Beth went on and on about how she's afraid of bugs, Harold's fear is ninjas, and after some pestering, Heather admitted she was scared of sumo wrestlers! A lot of these fears are kind of.. Lame. But I'd be a hypocrite if I admitted that infront of them, since my worst fear is probably being buried alive. Trent is afraid of mimes, Geoff doesn't like hail, Bridgette is afraid of being alone of the woods, Noah doesn't like spiders, Sadie hates a bad haircut, along with Lindsay, and although most of these sound pretty tame, the most pathetic one came from DUNCAN of all people!

Gwen giggles to herself. 

Gwen: He's afraid of Celine Dion standees! It's super lame.

--- End

"Walking through a minefield. In HEELS. One wrong step and you'll die! That's super duper terrifying." Lindsay said, shivering at the thought. "But flying is also super dangerous! You would never see me in a plane ever, that is some scary stuff." Owen said. "OOO! I also don't like flying, it makes me all queasy and the chance that all six million parts of a Boeing 747-8 aircraft will work makes me wanna just jump off beforehand!" Izzy replied. "I think you're making Owen's fear worse.." Harold looked at Izzy, then at Owen, who is now rocking back and forth in his seat. 

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