A Reason To Live

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If you all have read MHA vigilantes, then you know who this character is.


"Our winner is the challenger, Raging Claws!" The announcer says as I wipe the sweat off my chin, staring at the unconscious and wounded opponent. I hear cheers from the crowd while watching some men came and dragged the man away. I got out of the cage and dry off my spiky turquoise hair with a towel. I walk over to the man running the betting booth. He was counting his money.

"Well done Claws, defeating ten fighters in a row. You gave us a good fight!" He praises me as he hands me the money.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" I say, walking over to my bag and slung it on my shoulder.

I walk into my bathroom, and examine my bruises. I only have a few, that doesn't seem so bad. I pull off my leather shoes, black tank top, gloves and finally my cargo pants. I hop into the shower, letting the warm water flow over my body. I scrub off, the layers of dirt and dried blood from the fight falling away. After that, I then pull on my white shirt with a sleeveless red vest over it, blue jeans, leather shoes, and a black bandana tied around my neck. I quickly leave with my bag, heading home. I walk through the crowds, my head up high and a small smirk on my face. Tonight was a one hell of a night. I got fifty thousand yen for beating those punks.

Growing up, I always noticed people talking shit about me. Grinning at me like that. Always has been that way. It's always been people like that...grinning at me...making me into a monster! I'm sick of it! So I always make them pay for doing that. Seeing them cower in fear from my glare and my quirk gives me this great satisfaction. I don't care if they are all afraid of me. I don't need anybody in my life, I don't care about anyone. Not now, not ever. Basically I'm all alone, I don't have a family that takes care of me so I found a way to make money and home my skills.

The underground fight club. It's the best way to make money and use your quirks freely. Anyone is welcomed except heroes and police of course. Two fighters brawl it out to test their strengths while the spectators bet on them to win or lose. If one wins, they gain some of that money. I go there so much that I stop preying on the weaker ones outside town and focus on the stronger opponents in the club. I've even made a name for myself. The Raging Claws, named after my quirk which allows me to sprout spikes from my hands and feet.

I walked into an alleyway and eyed up the building next to me. I began to climb the fire escape. I want to take a smoke, it's still early to go home, there's still time. I hear a small thud from the roof but didn't bother about what it is. I finally reached the roof and made my way to the edge to take a good view of the city when I noticed something, no...someone. This person was short, wearing a large black jacket with a high collar, and a sleeveless white hoodie over it, black pants and grey shoes. He was standing on the edge. I hear sniffing from the guy, is he crying? Fuck, does this guy wanna kill himself?

Why do I care? The world is already fucked up anyway, so I don't blame him from ridding himself from it. I just walk to where he is and lean on the metal edge, noticing a backpack. I looked up over the skyline of the city, staring at the night lights. "The view up here is good as always" The dude haven't noticed me yet, probably lost in thought. He wiped his eyes on his sleeves, not that it did much for the flow of tears and stood shakily. I brought my cigarette pack and lighter from my pocket and light one up, placing it on my mouth and enjoying the good shit. The guy was startled by the noise of the lighter, turned his head so fast he nearly lost his balance. My eyes widened when I saw his face underneath the hood.


We both froze, taking a good look at our appearances. His hair seems to be green and I think he has freckles on his cheeks. He just a kid, a fucking kid! Fourteen or fifteen years of age, I dunno. But the fucking point is, this kid wants to kill himself! The fuck! I noticed his eyes, they are a dull green, no life in them. My eyes soften, recognizing that kind of thing I know fully well. This is a kid that has lost something he cares about or have been looked down upon due to his quirk.

"The fuck you're doing kid?" I growled, after a minute of us staring at each other.

"Why do you ask? You don't seem to care if I jump?" He said plainly.

"Yeah and I still don't care. And I'm the one asking the questions. So why are you here?" I said. He just stared at me and sighed before sitting down.

The kid laughed to himself. "What's the point anymore? All I wanted was to be a hero, but nobody has ever believed in me, even my own mother. I'm not saying she's a bad person, I just wanted her to support my dreams, but that's too much to ask for. The only thing keeping me going was the thought that I could prove everyone wrong, that someone without a quirk could become a hero, but why try anymore?"

My eyes widen. "He's quirkless"

He drew his knees into his chest and tried to suppress his tears. "I finally made to U.A only for all my hard work to go down the drain. I was fucking expelled on the first day...all because I'm quirkless" He hugged his legs tighter, not wanting to look up.

I was impressed. Quirkless and he made in the legendary heroic school in Japan. Thought I was confused about what he said. I thought U.A stated quirkless are allowed in their school. "Doesn't that damn school allow quirkless in?" I said.

"They do, but I guess they did that to crush our dreams within the school and make us realize it's pointless to try" he said. Now that just pissed me off. It's fucked up. UA was the poster child of hero schools, constantly churning out top heroes that all of Japan knows and loves. The kid was naive thinking he would be accepted. And they took advantage of that. They were using him as a means to gain sympathy and pity from the public to make them seem like the good guys, when behind closed doors he was shunned and expelled from the school. And the kid knows fully well the public won't believe him if he reveal the truth and pretty much think it's his fault. It was sick and twisted. "Now that I'm expelled. My life is ruined. No schools or jobs will ever accept me. It's all ruined. What's the point of living anymore?"

I huffed a small laugh with smoke. "Yeah. So that why you want to kill yourself? Then go ahead, who am I to stop you?" He looks at me in shock. "It's your life, you can do whatever you want. So if you want to kill yourself, then do it" the kid pauses for a moment, staring at the horizon before standing up on the edge. Tears welled in his eyes again. I puff out the cancerous smoke from my mouth. "No one would care or miss you if you jump, right? If you jumped from this height, you'd be dead in an instant. A quick and painless death" the kid seems hesitant as he was sweating, his feet trembling in fear. "So go on kid, don't be a pussy. You can do it, just do it, come on! Jump. You know you deserve it so just do it already, do it now-"

"NO!" The kid shouted and pulled himself upright, roughly stumbling back from the edge and falling to the floor. He sniffed, grabbing his bag and move far from the edge.

"You couldn't do it" I said.

"Yeah...I-It's just shows how useless I am" he said. " A weak, a coward...a quirkless freak"

"No. A small part of your mind is telling you to live kid. Cause killing yourself ain't gonna help you. It would only solidify the fact that everyone else was right about you, that you are just a weak quirkless freak. And deep down you know that" I threw the cigarette on the floor, stomp on it and walked up to him. "People called my quirk villainous. They said that someday I'd end up being a villain" the kid jerked his head up to look at me. "Do you think I should have listened to them?" He opened his mouth to answer, only to be cut off. "If you're about to say that my situation is different than yours cause I have a quirk, it isn't. People talked shit about me and look where I am now. I may be a punk delinquent, but at least I ain't a villain. Don't fucking give people who the satisfaction of tearing you down. If they did, kick their ass and show them what you're made of!"

The kid just stared at me for a minute before letting out and screamed a heartbreaking sob that echoed through the roof for a moment too long. I don't do the whole 'there, there, everything will be alright' comforting kind of shit. So I just waited for him to be done crying. Ten minutes later, he wiped his eyes on his sleeves and stood up, staring at me, that dullness in his eyes now bright green. So bright, almost made me think he has a night vision quirk.

"Not bad Soga, not bad"

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