Muggle World

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Muggle World

with Onyx

Onyx had just finished up packing her things for her last time in Hogwarts, for at least a little while. After the recent events of her best friend, Cedric, dying in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, her father has finally agreed to allow her to leave and go and live with one of his muggle relatives from his grandfather's sister. Onyx after hugging her friends in Hufflepuff walked out to see her friends Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom waiting. The group exchanges a hug with all of them telling her to keep in touch and send them letters.

After agreeing, Onyx was able to start down to the dungeon where her father's office was. On the way down she bumps into her sister and her gang including Draco Malfoy. "Hello Muggle Lover." Alex says to her sister. "Just so you know once you leave I'll never consider you my sister. It's already a disgrace having you in Hufflepuff." Her sister pushes her to the ground and kicks her bag. Sighing Onyx picks up her bag and continues to the potion room.

Knocking on the door she hears her father's monotone "Come in." Onyx walks in the heavy wooden door. She sees her father grading final papers. He looks up and his soft frown turns up slightly seeing his youngest daughter. "Hello Little One." Severus walks out from behind his desk and hugs his daughter. "Are you all packed up, dear?" He pulls back and sees Onyx nod with her wide smile painted on her face. "Alright." He sighs and points to the door. "Let's get going. Muggles don't like being late."

Onyx bounced out of the room and up the stairs. Onyx had gotten Hagrid's help to move her luggage to the house in Forks. Onyx smiles at the half giant hugging him and thanking him for his help.

On the train Onyx pulled out her muggle phone and began texting her cousin, Bella Swan. Ever since she found out that Onyx was going to be staying with her dad and her, she's been excited. Charlie was also excited as his father's family was complicated and he had only seen them a handful of times so when he got an email for his cousin asking if his daughter could move in with him and go to school there wanting to experience an American education, how could he refuse.

Onyx and her father were able to get to the airport rather fast from the station using an enchanted car. "Okay dad. You have the phone right?" Snape holds up the Muggle phone he got to keep in contact with his daughter.

"Onyx, I know how to use a phone."

"Then why did you get a flip phone?"

"I'm only using it to call you, Little One"

Onyx smiled and hugged her father before hearing her plane from London to Washington get called ready for the 10 hour flight. Snape was able to convince Dumbledore to allow Hagrid to fly all of her luggage to Forks before she arrived. Onyx was super sleepy and fell asleep in her chair after take off, her wand snug in her boot ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice if need be.

Onyx was awakened by a flight attendant gently shaking her informing her of the plane's incoming landing. After thanking the flight attendant she watched out the window as the ground came closer. She was able to get off a few moments later. She went to the baggage claim and grabbed the small luggage that she brought with her that contained just a few small items. That way it doesn't seem like she is coming to Forks with nothing.

Onyx smiles and calls Bella. After a few rings she picks up, "Hey Nyxie!"

"Hey Bells! Where are you and Uncle Charlie? I just landed at the gate." Suddenly she feels arms wrap around her from behind. She turns and sees the older, American, muggle girl. She sees her uncle trailing behind Bella with two native American muggles, the older being pushed by the long haired boy in a wheelchair. The oldest Swan awkwardly hugs his niece, happy to see her for the first time in a long time.

"Hey there Kiddo. How are you doing?" Charlie says after pulling away from the British girl. The youngest looked at the other two males shyly, "Oh sorry. This is my good friend Bily Black and his son Jacob. Jacob is a year older than you. Thought you would find it nice to meet someone else your age."

Onyx smiles at the male, "That's nice of you uncle Charlie!" She turns to the pair and holds out her hand. "How are you doing? My name is Onyx Snape! I go by just Nyx though." Jacob smiles at the younger girl's accent and how innocent she looks and sounds.

Jacob grabs her hand, "I'm Jacob! Bella and I made mud pies when we were younger." Nyx smiles softly and laughs with the boy. Not know what a mud pie is, assuming it's a muggle thing. Billy introduces himself in a simple hello and hand shake.

The group makes their way towards Charlie's police cruisers, an orange truck and a black truck. Bella grabs Nyx and pulls her into the orange truck. "I'll see you two back at the house. Be careful driving Bell." As the girls pull out Nyx waves to the others.

"I can't wait to start school with you Nyxie! I'll show you where you can pick up your schedule tomorrow, ok?"

"Sure thing Bells!" Nyx wasn't upset that she would have to attend school as soon as she got to Forks. She was rather excited to experience it. The pair of cousins talked all the way to Charlie's house. Nyx smiles happy to be in the muggle world.

"You want me to show you your room Nyx?"

"Yes please, if you don't mind. I'm absolutely knackered." The pair laughed. Charlie turned the guest room downstairs into Nyx's room. The room was yellow and white, Nyx's favorite colors, and incorporated sunflowers, her favorite flowers. Nyx smiles at the room, noticing some of her books on the shelfs and her clothes hanging up. "Thank you Bella! I will see you tomorrow then. Good Night!" She shut her door and started to put away the things she brought in her bag as she unpacked she began getting even more excited. She hung up her Hufflepuff flag behind one of the closet doors. As she looked around she noticed the time and got ready for bed. She ran upstairs fast to the bathroom.

She heard Bella talking. She thought she was on the phone, until she heard two male voices in her room. Nyx got out of bed, her wand in hand just in case. She looks into the room and opens the door enough to see a male with brown hair, his back to the door but his presents made her freeze when he turned sideways. This muggle looks like Cedric. She raced back to her room tears in her eyes remembering the lifeless look on his face when he and Harry reappeared. The horror on everyone's face, including Amos' at the idea of losing his son.

Nyx heard the boy leave through Bella's window after bidding Bella a goodbye. That night Nyx fell asleep with dried tears on her face, nightmares of her bestfriends death clear in her head.

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