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with Onyx

Nyx was leaning against Edward's car looking down with tears in her eyes waiting for him to open the doors. Edward walked over to her and opened the front seat. She mumbled out a small 'thank you.' On the ride to Charlie's house Nyx said nothing and thought of nothing. It was driving Edward crazy. Finally Edward pulled over his car and turned to her, "Scream at me. Tell me how dare I. Hell, even think about something. Please I can't take this silent treatment. I need to know how you feel so I can handle this."

Nyx just turned in her seat away from him and let out a breath, "How did you know his name? Cedric's?" She turned back to him.

"How could I not? When you first met me you stuck to the door like I was a plague. I promise I don't mean to see it. Normally it's easy for me to tune people out." he reached a hand to her cheek. "You my dear are the opposite. I can't not hear your cute, positive brain that is concerned for everyone you meet. I promise you I didn't want to see that. It freaked me out too and I wasn't there. If his eyes weren't open I thought it was me. And that man with no nose-"

"You saw He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Nyx was suddenly more alert.

Edward nodded. "All I saw was flashes of green light. a boy with glasses appears holding a trophy and a boy with curly hair, Cedric. I saw a man wearing glasses shout out something about letting him through. I saw you try to run toward him only to be held back by two red haired boys. Your brain screamed about needing to see Cedric and flashes of the pale man with no nose showed up in flashes laughing."

Nyx looks up at him and puts her arms out for him to hug her. Edward does and she takes a deep breath. "The Tri-Wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. The Durmstrang champion was Viktor Krum. The champion from Beauxbatons was Fleur Delacour. Cedric was the Hogwarts champion. He was in Hufflepuff with me. He and I became friends my first year." she lays her head on Edward's chest. "The final challenge was a maze. Harry and Cedric were tied so they went at the same time. They just had to grab the trophy but it was turned into a portkey. They disappeared and no one knew what happened. Next thing we know Harry appears with Cedric's body. The crowd don't understand what has taken place and they all cheer, triumphant music starts to play. Harry just weeped over Cedric's body. The man you saw shouting out was Amos Diggory. Cedric's father. The red heads you saw are Fred and George Weasley, my one friend's older brothers and basically brothers to me. They didn't want me to see him but I did." Nyx looks up at Edward. Edward had a shocked look on his face.

"Nyx, I'm so s-"

"Don't say you're sorry. I've had everyone at Hogwarts tell me their sorry. I don't want you too. THat's why I didn't tell anyone. I'm tired of being looked at like I'm going to break at the smallest thing." She turned to face him fully. "You told me how you knew Cedric but how are you able to calm me down so easily. What was Emmett going to say?"

"A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity." Edward starts looking in her eyes, "vampires have mates. A Mate is what a soulmate is to a human. It is known that vampires become very attached to their mates, and will honor and are loyal to their mates, even in their death."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Nyx. You are my mate." Edward says. "That's why I'm able to calm you down. I think that's also why whenever you're around I hear your thoughts over everyone else's. It's way you sleep better around me" Edward turns on the car and starts driving again. "I do know what you were dreaming of. I couldn't tell you until I told you about mates. It was us. Us in the future. I've also seen a future from Alice. You and me."

Edward Pulls up to Charlie's house. "Do you want me to climb in through the window to help you sleep tonight?"


This caused Edward to laugh. "Window. I used to come with Clifford to visit Bella. Charlie didn't allow boys in her room so we'd jump through the window. I figured the no boys rule would apply to you too."

"Why did you come and visit Bella?"

"Bella isn't Clifford's mate. She's his blood singer." Before Onyx can question it Edward is already explaining, "A human whose blood is especially appealing to a certain vampire, almost in an extreme way, as if it was singing for the vampire. He didn't want to hurt her so he'd force me to come with him. He's grown used to it now."

"Are-Am i your blood singer?"

"No." He places a hand on her cheek, "It's impossible for a mate and blood singer to be the same person. To me your blood's smell calms me and doesn't make me hungry. Clifford to Bella, she makes him hungry. Bella's blood attracts many vampires though." He chuckles. "She is a vampire target." He kisses her head before getting out, making his way to her side and opening the door. "I'll walk you to the door and come around in a little bit."

She grabs his hand and walks up to the door before opening it and seeing Charlie nowhere around. Nyx pulls him in, "Come on. Charlie's asleep already." Nyx drags him to her room. She opens the door. "I'll go get changed into pajamas. You can entertain yourself here." She grabs her Hufflepuff quidditch shirt that came to her knees. She saw a pair of Gryffindor sweatpants and a Gryffindor quidditch shirt that she had borrowed from Fred and George from when she had stayed at the Burrow over summer and forgot to return. She grabbed them and threw them to Edward. He gave her a questioning look. "If you're staying the night you might as well be comfortable. You're in jeans and a sweater, Edward. Those are the twin's stuff. You should fit them, tracksuit bottoms might be a bit long. They gave me those when I stayed at their house over summer and forgot pajamas."

"Nyx's I don't sleep."

"Well I don't want to cuddle into a sweater and jeans."

"I was just going to pull over your desk chair."

"Too bad." Before he argued again she cut him off, "Change. Don't make me silence you." She pulled out her wand to prove her point.

"Okay, Nyx."

She returned to her smiling form and put her wand back in her boot. "Good choice." She turned to the door opening it. Edward smiled at the sweet girl. Quickly he changed into the pair of pants and as he was pulling on the shirt he heard talking that sounded like Clifford and Bella.

Nyx returned with a smile on her face. Edward looks at her shirt and then down at the twin's shirt he's wearing. "Quick question, love." She nods, smiling hearing the nickname. "What is quidditch?"

"Of course the Muggle world doesn't have quidditch. It's a wizarding sport played on flying broomsticks. It's the most popular and well-known game among wizards and witches, and, according to Hagrid, it is the wizard equivalent to Muggles' passion for football. Sorry for you American's soccer." She sits next to him on the bed. "Each team has 3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Keeper and 1 Seeker. The Chasers controlled the Quaffle and attempted to get it through the goal hoops past the Keeper. Keeper's job to guard the three goalposts. Beaters' jobs was to keep the Bludgers away from their team and at the same time try and aim the Bludgers towards the opposite team. They are the only members on the team with bats. The twins are Gryffindor's Beaters. The goal of the Seeker was to catch the Golden Snitch. They played a crucial role in Quidditch, as a game did not end until the Seeker caught the Snitch. Cedric was Hufflepuff's."

"So it's magic soccer? Sounds more like baseball." Edward said. Nyx shrugged her shoulders. She layed down and pulled Edward down to lay his head on the pillow and hers on his chest.

"I've never seen baseball."

"My family and I play all the time." Edward runs his hand through her hair. "Maybe I can take you to a game."

"You take me to one of your family's baseball games. I'll try and bring you and your family to a quidditch game." She looks up at him from her position on his chest and he smiles nodding.

"Deal. Now sleep Nyx. If I have to leave before you wake up I'll leave a note." He kisses her head again, "I'll pick you up for school tomorrow." He heard Nyx's soft snores from his chest. "Goodnight." 

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