Growing Closer

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Growing Closer

with Onyx

Nyx woke up the next morning to see that Edward was still there. "Hi." She smiled up at the immortal that was running his hand through her short black hair. "I thought you said you'd be gone?" He laughs a little at her sleepy eyes.

"I thought so too. Turns out you wake up a lot earlier than anyone else in this house. Charlie and Bella are still asleep."

Nyx sits up allowing Edward up as well. "I'm a morning person. When I have the right amount of sleep." She yawns and stretches. She looks in her dressers and spots one of Harry's shirts from his time staying with the Dursleys. She picks up Edward's jeans and hands him Harry's shirt. "Here's a new shirt. So you can stay. We'll just tell Charlie you came over for breakfast."

Edward laughs and grabs his jeans and the shirt. "I don't know how to feel about having so many clothes that fit me in your closet. Are you sure you're not the one who can see the future?"

Laughing she shakes her head, "It's called I'm just tiny and none of the shops carried my size so I just got clothes I could share with my friends. Plus the bigger the clothes are the more comfy. You think a world with goblins would have smaller sizes." Nyx shrugs.

Edward's eyes widened, "Goblins?"

Nyx smiles at him, "Of course! They take care of the money at Gringotts Bank. Everyone has a vault. Harry's parents left him a fortune." Nyx walks to her closet and grabs a blue knee length sweater dress. "You change here. I'll go upstairs. I'll be right back!" Nyx walks up the stairs to the bathroom and Edward changes into the clothes. He heard Nyx coming down the stairs but she didn't enter her room. He opens the door and sees Nyx at the kitchen counter in the blue dress. Edward walks over to the doorway and watches her cook. After a while Edward stands straight and wraps his arms around her waist. Nyx jumps "Gallopin' gorgons!" She turns and sees him. "Hi. You scared me."

"What are you doing?" Edward asks as he kisses her forehead, something Nyx has grown to love about him.

Nyx turns back to the bowl. "Breakfast. Do you want pancakes or eggs?"

"I don't eat." Edward replies and puts his head on top of her shoulder.

Nyx looks over her shoulder slightly. "Like anything?"

"Like anything."

"Why did Alice grab pizza then?"

"We take something simple or bring small things from home to keep up appearances. We are able to eat regular human food, to maintain the illusion of being human when out, but later on our body will reject it and make us sick. It's just easier to fake eating or say we're on a special diet." Edward smells the air over her shoulder, "but right now those smell amazing and I'm jealous I can't eat them."

"Sorry, babe." Nyx replies. This causes Edward to smile as it's the first time she's called him something other than his name. Edward is quick to let go of her waist and move to the side. "Why-" Before she can say anything she sees Charlie come down the stairs. "Good morning, Uncle Charlie! I hope you don't mind that I invited Edward over. He's driving me to school early to go meet with my teachers." She smiles at her uncle.

Charlie looks at Edward who smiles and nods to the older Swan. "Of course not. How are you doing Edward?" Charlie smiles at Edward.

"Good sir."

Nyx finishes the pancakes and plates some with bacon and eggs. Nyx makes a cup of coffee for Charlie and brings him the food and coffee to the table. "Here you are."

"Nyx. You don't have to make breakfast."

She smiles, "You're letting me stay here of course I have to do something. Besides, I love cooking. I made enough pancakes and eggs for you and Bella." Nyx turns to Edward. "Let me just grab my bag and we can head out."

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