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with Edward

Edward sat with Bella and Clifford at lunch since Alice told him that if Onyx saw him with them she would sit with Mike and Eric. After hearing the way Mike was talking about his mate he decided it would be better to sit away from his mate and with his friend and brother. As Jessica was talking about something Edward was ignoring he heard Alice and Onyx. Alice was dragging her to grab food and got herself something to keep up appearance. He heard his mate's mind 'I miss Hogwarts food.' Edward tries to remember anything he's heard about somewhere called Hogwarts in his long life and can't come up with anything.

He stares at Onyx only to hear her thoughts of danger so he lightens up and turns back to Bella keeping an ear out for Onyx. That is until Mike asks Bella about Onyx. "So Bella, Onyx is super hot." It is taking everything in Edward to not jump the table and kill the blonde boy. Clifford grabbed his leg sensing his idea of killing the Newton boy. "Too bad about her last crush. I think it scared her away from romance." This really made Edward listen.

"What do you mean?" Bella asks him.

"She said, the last guy that she liked recently died." This caused everyone's jaw to drop. That must have been the guy in her head that Edward saw. "I didn't ask how but she seemed really upset."

Alice had gilded Onyx to the table with his siblings. He heard her softly gasp. He turned and saw Onyx grabbed Jasper's arm, "Where did you get these?" He looked into her mind to see that she saw his scars. Freezing Edward noticed her brian was going so fast he wasn't able to keep up.

Next thing Edward knows Nyx releases Jasper's arm and runs out of the room towards the woods. Edward was fast to run after her at a human speed. The rest of the Cullen siblings, the Hale twin and Bella followed behind him.

Clifford and Bella stayed on the outside of the woods and the rest of the vampires ran in to find their friend.

with Onyx

Onyx jumped and ran as fast as she could through the woods until she couldn't see. The woods were too dark. She pulled her wand out "Lumos" she casted and her wand lit up to show her in the deepest part of the Forks woods with no way out. Sighing, she looked around. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a blur. She turned to face it fast only to find nothing there. "Hello?" She questioned, remembering the time Harry saw Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. She got scared fast when she heard more rustling. Then she feels arms around her. She pulls back and holds up her wand seeing Cedric's Copy looking at her concern. Backing up she hits a tree. "Please don't hurt me." Was all she said before falling to the ground crying.

Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and the blonde boy with the scars were behind Cedric's Copy, looking just as concerned. Edward looks at his siblings. Emmett was the first to come up. "Shortstack. We're not going to hurt you. We just want to make sure that you are alright." He placed his hand on her shoulder only for her to look up with tears streaming down her face.

Rosalie spoke up next. "Edward, you have to tell her."

This gained the attention of Onyx. "Tel-Tell me what?" Emmett looked at Edward who nodded for him to walk away.

Walking forward Edward leaned down to grab her hands. "Onyx, me and my family are vampires." Her eyes widened. Edward was quick to continue after reading her racing mind and it flicked to pictures of vampires in her book, "No. Onyx we're nothing like those." He placed his hand on her cheek and looked into her eye, "We're not going to hurt you. I promise. I'd rather be torn apart than allow any harm to come to you."

She felt she could trust them so she looked at her wand before whispering, "Lumos Maxima" so she could see all of them clearly. She looked at Jasper and said "I'm sorry." Everyone looked at her wondering why she apologized. "I shouldn't have brought attention to the marks on your arms. I couldn't stop myself. I thought you were hurt."

The Texan vampire was quick to take a step forward and kneed next to the girl. "You're alright darlin'. I think we were all just shocked you could see them." He held out a hand, "My name's Jasper Whitlock Hale."

They saw gears turn in her head as she looked at Jasper. "Jasper Whitlock. You joined the Confederate Army before turning 17. You became the youngest major in Texas." She started to remember the muggle history book that Herminoe had gotten her for Christmas. All of the vampires were shocked at her knowledge. "I like history. My friend took a trip to America and brought me a history book on all the known wars including the American Revolution, Civil War and the World Wars. Civil War was always so interesting to me." Jasper smiled at her.

Edward stood up and held a hand out to the girl. "How about we take you to our house with Bella and explain everything." The girl nodded, taking his hand in her free hand and walked out with them. As they get closer to the edge the girl flicks her wand, "Nox" Edward watches her and laughs, "And you're going to have to explain that."

"Deal" Onyx smiled and Edward held her hand as the pair walked out of the woods.

"Onyx!" Bella runs and hugs her cousin. Onyx holds onto her cousin and smiles into the hug. "I was so worried, is everything okay?"

Edward spoke up, "We're taking her to the house you're invited to if you'd like." Bella is quick to run to the cars causing everyone to laugh, "I'm guessing she's coming with us." Edward opens the back seat of Clifford's car for Onyx. Instead of moving as far from Edward she stays relatively close and he holds her hand rubbing it to comfort her.

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