Muggle Schools Are Magical

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A/N: Her gym clothes are above

Muggle Schools Are Magical

with Onyx

Onyx jumped out of the car trying to hold back tears. All she wants is to be pulled into her father's arms and be told everything is alright and that a copy of Cedric wasn't just with her in the car. The farther in she got the slower she went. Only now realizing that she had no clue where to go to get her schedule. Mumbling to herself she notices two muggle boys. One boy with pale blue eyes, blond hair, and a baby face talking to an Asian boy, with black hair and brown eyes. Nyx took a deep breath in before approaching them. "Hello there." Her accent seemed to have shocked the boys, "I'm so sorry for starling us. I was just wondering if you can point me in the direction of where to find my schedule?"

The blonde and black haired boys smile at her. The black haired boy was first to respond. "Sure thing. My name is Eric."

The blonde smiled at the girl and grabbed her hand kissing it, "I'm Mike. But you can call me yours if you'd like." The forwardness of the boy caused her to blush.

"Umm- well- I-" She was cut off by Mike's kind smile.

"Don't worry please. I was trying to make you laugh, you looked scared." Mike rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm sorry that I made it worse."

Nyx smiled softly at the boys, "No. Don't worry. The last guy that I liked recently... um... died." The boys' mouths gasped. Mike opened his mouth to start rambling on and apologize but before he can Nyx's cuts him off, "Please don't apologize. There's no way you could have known. I'm Onyx, but please just call me Nyx." She held out her hand and the boys took turns shaking it. "I just moved from England to live with my uncle, Charlie Swan."

Now both boys' eyes widened, "You're related to Bella! How- Your so much-" Mike was able to stop himself from saying that she was hotter than the Swan girl.

Nyx laughs a bit at his blush. "Yeah. My dad and Charlie share a great-grandfather. My dad's grandfather and Charlie's grandmother were siblings." Nyx smiles at the two, "Charlie is the only member of my dad's father's side I know."

Eric smiles at the British girl. "Well then, let us walk you to the office. If you'd like, you can sit next with us and Bella at lunch."

Nyx smiles nodding at the boys before they walk to the office. Nyx is quick to get the schedule and get back to her new friends. She shows Eric her schedule only for him to be upset that they don't have any classes together and Mike only has gym with her next period. "Well me and you only have lunch together."

Mike wraps an arm around her smiling, "But we have gym together first period."

"Oh. What year are you in?" Both boys smile and say that it's the middle of their junior year. "I'm a sophomore. I believe that's what it's called here."

Both boys shake their heads, "You're a sophomore. And you're taking AP History with Wilde? He's like the hardest class to get in, even for seniors." Mike replies

Nyx smiles at him, "I'm really smart. Expectedly in History. I love reading up on mug- history" she was able to stop herself from saying muggle history to the boys. The boys didn't notice her slip up. "Plus I'm taking all Junior classes. Not only did I attend class but my father allowed me to attend an online school to graduate early."

"Wow." Eric smiles at her, "Well, anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on? I'm your guy." The bell rings, "Well I'll see you at lunch Nyx. Later Mike." Eric walks off as Mike turns to her.

"Let's get off to class." The pair walks off in the direction Nyx supposes the gym is. Nyx gains a dangerous energy behind them. She turns slightly to see a giant boy talking to the Cedric copy that is glaring at Mike.

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