Vampires And Witches Oh My!

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Vampires and Witches Oh My!

with Onyx

Edward had his hand wrapped around her back in the car ride to their house. Nyx had gotten comfortable and accidently fell asleep on his chest. Nyx was for once since Cedric's death was having a good dream, and Edward could see it.

In the dream Edward saw Onyx and him. Not Cedric, him. Golden eyes and bronze hair rather than Cedric's gray eyes and brown hairs. He saw she was dreaming of the future now knowing she could feel the mating pull but she was trying to fight it because of him looking like Cedric. He's very intrigued in finding out who Cedric is because all he knows right now is that he looks like him, he was dead and that he was special to his mate. Edward placed a soft kiss on her forehead, smiling at the girl.

"So are you two good now, Edward?" Bella asks him.

Edward sighs, "I'm not really sure," Not wanting to invade his mate's privacy more than he was already forced to with his gift and tell her cousin that she was feeling the mating pull. "Hey Bella, has she told you about any one named 'Cedric Diggory'?" Edward questions the older human still looking at the younger one in his arms.

Bella thinks, "No. Not really. She keeps everything a secret from us. She didn't even tell us what her school's name was. She just always makes up an excuse about how no one liked her and that she didn't like." Bella had a tone in her voice Edward had never heard from the girl.

Edward nods, seeing the memories of her having fun with a girl with brown eyes and brown hair, three boys all with red hair, two looking like twins and one the same age as her, and a boy with round glasses and a lighting bolt scar. He guesses it has something to do with the stick that lit up. "Okay. Thank you."

"Why, Edward?"

"The name just runs around her head a lot." Bella shrugged, nodding before going back to her phone.

Within a few minutes they had made it to the large, modern mansion. Instead of walking up to the girl who needs the sleep Edward picks her up and carries her into the house. Alice, who is inside the house, tells everyone to be quiet. Edward walks in following Bella and Clifford and moves his head upwards to tell his family he's going to let her sleep a bit longer on the couch in his room.

Edward lays the girl down on the white leather reading couch. Edward grabs a nearby blanket that is folded up and lays it over the girl. He smiles at the girl and tries to leave only to hear her start to have a nightmare. As soon as he gets closer it stops. He smiles. He grabs one of the chairs nearby and sits next to her reading a book that's in his room on the floor. While reading, Edward grabs Nyx's hand, rubbing it softly as she sleeps.

"I got you Onyx." Edward whispers in the girl's ear. "No one will hurt you with me here." Turning the chair to his side, he continues reading, waiting for her to wait up.

Nyx woke up about three hours later. Edward is still sitting in the chair next to her. "Edward?" He turns his head and smiles. "Where am I?" She looks around the room. Music and books from different decades line the walls as well as artifacts that look very old and delicate.

"Wow... really old? You know most of this stuff is younger than me right?" Edward laughs at her thoughts.

"I'm so sorry- I- I- wasn'-" Nyx shudders as she blushes, not meaning to be rude.

"I'm messing with you." Edward explains in a hushed voice. "You're right. Most of this stuff is 'really old.'" He places a hand on her cheek. "How did you sleep?"

"Probably the best sleep I have had since everything happened." She looks around the clean organized room, "On to my original question. What is this place?"

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