012: Heartbeat Detected

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The two sides start walking towards each gorge before they both break out into a run and start fighting

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The two sides start walking towards each gorge before they both break out into a run and start fighting. As everyone was fighting, Aria was using her powers to throw things at Spider-Man who was swinging. She notices Natasha about to kick Clint in the face, so used her powers to stop her foot. Both Natasha and Clint look at her, before the teenager uses her powers to throw Natasha into a van. Clint looks at the teen shocked.
"What? You were pulling your punches." Aria says, before waking away.
Aria was running when she ran past Spider- Man who was stuck holding up a container. Aria sighs before jogging back. She uses her powers to lift the container, causing Spider-Man to sigh with relief.
"Thank you." Spider-Man says.
"Yeah, whatever." Aria says, before using her powers to throw Spider-Man into another container.
"We got to go. That guys probably in Siberia by now." Bucky says, over the earpiece.
"We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet." Steve says.
"No. You get to the jet!" Sam says. "Both of you. The rest of us aren't getting out of here."
"As much as I hate to admit it. If we're gonna win this one some of us might have to lose it." Clint says.
"This isn't the real fight, Steve." Aria tells him.
"Okay, Ari. What's the play?" Steve asks.
"We need a diversion. Something big." Aria says.
"I got something kinda big, but I can't hold it very long." Scott says. "On my signal run like hell. And if I tear myself in half don't come back for me."
"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asks.
"I do this all the time. I mean, once in lab. Then I passed out.
All of a sudden Scott turns gigantic.
"You call that kind of big?" Aria asks.
"Holy shit!" Aria hears Spider-Man say, from a few meters away.
Spider-Man swings away after Rhodey, who Scott had thrown. Aria spots something starting to fall down, in front of the quintet Steve and Bucky were running to. She uses her powers to hold it up, but Rhodey sends sound waves causing her to cover her eyes screaming.
"I'm sorry, Ari." Rhodey says, as Aria stands looked back at him.
"No, I'm sorry." Aria says, before using her powers to send him flying into a plane. She looks back at the hanger, only hoping Steve and Bucky made it in time.
"Yes! That was awesome!" Aria hears Spider-Man shout after him, Tony and Rhodey had worked together to knock Scott out.
As he was shouting Spider-Man runs into scoots hand, sending him flying back into some boxes.
Aria jogs over to Spider- Man and her dad. As she gets there her dad flies off.
"Mr Stark, wait. I'm not done. I'm not done." Spider-Man says before falling onto his back. "Okay. I'm done. I'm done."
"You're done?" Aria asks, causing Spider-Man to look at her. "Shame. I was kind of hoping to kick your ass more."
Spider-Man and Aria look towards the Quinjet as it takes off.
"They did it." Aria says. Aria was smiling until she saw Rhodey free falling. "Rhodey!"
Aria starts running, with Spider- Man hot on her tail. Aria uses her powers to get her their quickly. She lands just as Tony rips of Rhodes mask.
"Rhodey?" Aria asks, kneeling down on Rhodey's left side while Tony was on his right.
Tony places a hand on Rhodeys chest.
"Read vitals." Tony tells F.R.I.D.A.Y.
"Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way." F.R.D.A.Y replies, causing both starks to sigh in relief.
Sam then lands.
"I'm sorry." Sam says, before Tony blasts him away.
Vision and Spider-Man then land at the same time.
"I'm so sorry, dad." Aria says, tears coming to her eyes.
Tony ignores her and looks at Spider-Man.
"Get her out of here." Tony tells him.
"But, dad..." Aria starts.
"Don't." Tony tells her, finally looking at her.
Aria nods with a few tears coming down her cheeks as she stands up.
Spider-Man then comes over wrapping an arm around her waist. Aria looks at Sam, who nods telling her it was okay for her to go. Aria nod back, before letting Spider-Man swing them both away.

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