038: Partners no Matter What

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The Stark family had offically moved upstate

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The Stark family had offically moved upstate. Aria had taken a few days off school to get settled in but today was her first day back. Aria was stood at her locker with Gwen as they heard Ned and Peter coming.
"It looked so insane. That whole... like it was so crazy. He- he was just, like..." Ned says, before imitating thr weapon the guy used. "And you were like 'Aah!'"
"Shh." Peter tells him, as the two boys get to the girls.
"Yeah, we could here you from down the corridor." Gwen says.
"And then I just hit him with the 'Whoosh'." Ned says, pretending to use Peter's web shooters. "It was so, oh my God."
"I mean, you saved us." Peter says. "It was awesome."
The group then look up towards the trophy case to see Liz and Gwen hugging, Liz's mom with a box in her hands.
"Go talk to her." Aria tells Peter.
Peter sends the brunette a small smile before jogging off to Liz.
"You still like him, don't you?" Gwen asks.
"I'm with Elijah now. It's time I move on." Aria says. "Me and Peter Parker aren't meant to be anymore then friends."
"I can't believe Liz's dad was the guy with wings and her dad is in jail." Ned says.
"He got what he deserved." Gwen says.
The trio look towards where Peter and Liz were talking to see Liz walking away. Aria closes her locker before the three of them walk over to Peter.
"You okay, bro?" Ned asks.
"Yeah." Peter says, looking down then looking up at his friends.
"Come on. Let's get to our decathalon team meeting." Aria says, linking arms with Peter, and guiding him to the library.

Aria was sat between Peter and Gwen, Ned sat across from Gwen as Mr Harrington comes in to the library with the decathalon competition trophy.
"Congratulations, deacathalon national champions." Mr Harrington says, sitting down. "I'll have to put this back in the trophy case soon... but just for motivation right now at this practice, I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year. So I am appointing Michelle."
Everyone claps as Michelle looks around awkwardly.
"Uh, thank you. My- my friends call me MJ." MJ says.
"I thought you didn't have any friends." Ned says, causing Gwen to stamp his foot under the table.
"I didn't." MJ says, as Peter and Aria's phones go off.
They both check and show each other their phones to see the same message from Happy. 'Go to the bathroom'
"We, uh, we gotta go." Aria says, as Peter and her get their bags.
"Hey, where you going?" MJ asks, causing the pair to freeze. "What are you hiding, Aria and Peter?"
"Uhm..." Peter says, looking at Aria for help.
"I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye." MJ says, laughing slightly. "All right. So we should run some drills."
"Call you later." Aria whispers to Gwen, as she stands up.
Gwen nods before Aria and Peter leave.

"That was a close one." Aria says, as her and Peter walk down the corridor to the bathrooms.
"Tell me about it." Peter says, with a small laugh, going to enter the boys bathroom but turns around when he sees Aria stopping.. "What are you doing?"
"I can't go in there!" Aria whispers shouts.
"Happy's in there. Come on." Peter says, grabbing Aria's wrist and dragging her into the bathroom.
"Hey, Happy." Aria says, causing Happy to turn to look at the pair. "What, uh- What are doing here? You're a couple hours early."
"I really owe you one." Happy says. "I don't know what I would do without this job."
"Not this speech again." Aria sighs, already having heard it from Happy nearly everyday since the fight with Vulture.
"I mean, before I met Tony-" Happy says, as the toilet flushes, causing Aria to cover her mouth to hold back a laugh.
A boy steps out, washing and drying his hands, giving the trio a weird look as he leaves.
"So, uh, how long have you been here?" Peter asks.
"Long enough to be awkward." Happy says. "Boss wants to see you."
"Is he here to?" Peter asks, causing Aria to burst out laughing.
"In the toilet? No, he's upstate." Happy says.
"Upstate, like 'Upstate' upstate?" Peter asks.
"Yeah, let's go." Happy says, walking past the two teenagers.
"Finally get to see new house." Peter says, with a smile as he looks at his best friend.
Aria looks at her best friend, shaking her head as she laughs.

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