015: The End of a Friendship

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Aria turns to Bucky tears in her eyes, he looks at her with an apologetic look, before Aria's grandmothers vocie speaks up, causing Aria to turn back to the video

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Aria turns to Bucky tears in her eyes, he looks at her with an apologetic look, before Aria's grandmothers vocie speaks up, causing Aria to turn back to the video.
The two Starks continued to watch as Bucky killed Maria and Howard, before he walks up to the camera pointing his gun towards it. Tony goes to attack Bucky, but Steve holds him back.
"No, Tony." Steve says.
"Your the reason I never got to meet my grandparents!" Aria shouts.
Tony turns to Steve with a hurt look on his face.
"Did you know?" Tony whispers, as Aria turns to Steve as well.
"I didn't know it was him." Steve says.
"Don't bullshit us, Rodgers. Did you know?" Aria snaps.
"Yes." Steve says.
"You knowingly let me team up with the guy who killed my grandparents?" Aria asks.
As Tony, Steve and Bucky begin to fight Aria spots Zemo getting away. Aria looks back at Tony, Steve and Bucky before running after Zemo.
"Hey!" Aria shouts, causing Zemo to turn to her.
"I'm sorry you had to learn the truth like that, Miss Stark. Must hurt." Zemo says, with a smirk.
"Not as much as this is going to hurt." Aria says, before her eyes go blue.
"I think you should calm down, Miss Stark. Before you do something you regret." Zemo says.
"I'm not going to regret this. No matter what happens to me after." Aria says.
Aria then raises her hand and uses her powers to powers to throw Zemo into the wall.
"You're strong. I'll give you that." Zemo says, as he stands up.
"You caused everything to happen. Half of the people I call family are in jail because of you!" Aria says, storming over and punching in the face.
Zemo fights back, by kicking Aria in the stomach then punching her in the face. This goes on for a few more times before Zemo uses all his strength to throw her into the wall.
"You're family brought that on themselves." Zemo says, before running away.
Aria sits up against the wall catching her breath. As she stands up again, the whole floor shakes.

After fighting Zemo, Aria uses her powers to fly over to where Tony, Bucky and Steve were. She lands beside her father as Steve standsup and looks at them.
"This isn't going to change what happened." Steve tells them.
"I don't care. He killed my mom." Tony says, before fighting Steve.
Aria spots Bucky jumping down with Steves sheild and uses her powers to throw him into the wall.
"I thought you were on our side. Bucky says, as Aria walks over.
"That was until I found out you killed my grandparents." Aria says, before kicking Bucky in the face.
Bucky stumbles back and leans against the wall.
"I'm not going to fight you, Aria." Bucky says.
"Why not?" Aria asks, "Because you know I'll beat you?"
"That and because your just a kid." Bucky says.
"I am not just a kid. I've been through a lot that you don't know about." Aria says, before whispering. "Yet."
Bucky manages to get past Aria, and pin Tony agisnt the wall. He tires breaking the Arc Reactor on Tony's chest, before Tony blasts him away, causing Bucky's metal arm to come off.
Steve walks towards Tony, sheild in front of him as Tony tries blasting him. Steve pins Tony against the wall, hitting him with his shield.
"Steve! Stop!" Aria shouts, before Tony starts fighting back. Aria stands there watchng in fear as two of the most important people in her life fight each other. All of a sudden Tony blasts Steve, causing him to fall to the floor. "Dad!"
"He's my friend." Steve tells Tony.
"So was I." Tony says. Tony punches Steve before throwing him into the wall. "Stay down. Final warning."
Steve then stands up.
"I can do this all day." Steve says.
Tony goes to blast Steve, but Bucky grabs his ankle distracting him. While Tony was turned to Bucky, Steve goes over lifting Tony above his head.
"No!" Aria shouts.
Steve throws Tony to the ground, before punching him and hitting him with his sheild. Tony's mask comes off, just as Steve raises his sheild again.
"Steve! No!" Aria shouts again, trying to run forward but Bucky grabs her holding her back. "Steve! Dad!"
Steve brings the sheild down hitting Tony's Arc Reactor.
Steve falls beside Tony, before standing up and pulling his sheild out of Tony's arc reactor. As Steve goes over to Bucky and helps him up. Aria runs over to her dad.
"That sheild doesn't belong to you." Tony tells Steve. "You don't deserve it. My father made that sheild!"
Steve then throws it on the ground. He looks back at Aria, who had tears streamming down her face. After a moment Steve walks away.
"Careful." Aria says, turning to her dad as he tries to get up. "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. Sweetie." Tony says, before looking at his daughter noticing the cut on her cheek. "What happened? I didn't see-"
"I had an altercation with Zemo while you were fight Steve and Bucky. I'm okay." Aria reassures him, pulling his hand away from her face.
"You promise?" Tony asks.
"I promise." Aria says. "Other then now I might be arrested."
"Ross will know the truth soon. I'm not letting that happen." Tony says.
"Come on. The helicopter I came in should still be here." Aria says, standing up.
She helps Tony to stand up, before Tony goes to get his mask. Aria goes over to Steve's sheild. She looks down at it for a minute, taking a deep breath before picking it up.

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