045: I Guess We're Sisters

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Elijah and Katie were with Steve as they all flew in a ship towards where the explosions were

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Elijah and Katie were with Steve as they all flew in a ship towards where the explosions were. Bruce was ahead on him in the Hulkbuster.
"How are we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asks, from the other ship.
"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it." Bruce answer, before shooting into the sky. "Wow! This is amazing, man. It's like being the Hulk without actually-"
Bruce cuts himself off as he trips over a stone.
"Got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodey says, as Bruce get's back up.
Before long all the Wakandans, Elijah, Katie and the avengers there were in formation.
"You ready for this?" Katie asks, looking at her brother who stood beside her.
"We have to do this. For Aria and Peter." Elijah says, causing Steve and Natasha to share a smile at the mention of the girl they both called their niece.
T'Challa then signals for Steve and Natasha to follow him. The trio walk up to the barrier.
"Where's your other friend?" Natasha asks.
"you will pay for his life with yours." The alien women replies. "Thanos will have that stone."
"That's not going to happen." Steve tells her.
"You are in Wakanda now." T'Challa says. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."
"We have blood to spare." The women says.
Before throwing her arm with a sword up in the air, causing all the ships to rise up in the air.
Steve, Natasha and T'Challa join the group again.
"They surrender?" Bucky asks.
"Not exactly." Steve replies.
The Wakandians start chanting as monsters run out from the clearing on the other side of the barrier.
"What the hell?" Elijah says.
"Looks like you guys pissed her off." Katie says, glancing at Natasha and Steve before turning to look at the monsters again.
The monsters start trying to break through the barrier. A few of them succeeding a little but the part of the body that got through gets cut off.
"They're killing themselves." One of the Wakandian warriors say.
The Wakandians and Bucky start shooting at the monsters who managed to get completely through, before Sam flies towards them also shooting at them. "You guys see the teeth on these things?" Sam asks.
"All right, back up, Sam. Your gonna fet your wing singed." Rhodey tells him, flying by the barrier and dropping bombs which explode as they hit the ground.
Even more monsters come, some running off to the side.
"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get behind us there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce says.
"Then we better keep them infront of us." Steve says.
"How do we do that?" The Wakandian warrior asks.
"We open the barrier." T'Challa says, before talking through his earpiece. "On my signal, open North West Section Seventeen."
"Requesting confirmation, my King. You said open the barrier?" Someone asks over the earpiece.
"On my signal." T'Challa repeats.
"This will be the end of Wakanda." A guy says.
"Then it will be the nobelest ending in history." The women says.
T'Challa then shouts something and all the barrier sheild come down and T'Challa steps forward, as the Stone siblings share a look.
"Wankanda forever!" T'Challa shouts, activating his mask.
The group then all run forward and the fight begins.

Sometime after the fight began, Elijah and Katie were seperated. No one was saying anything, until Bruce's voice comes over the earpeices.
"There's too many of 'em." Bruce says.
All of a sudden there was a bolt of light from the sky, and a explosion, a axe coming flying through the explosion. The axe takes out some of the monsters, and the monsters ontop of Steve and Bruce before the axe flies back and Thor emerages from the explosion along side a racoon and tree.
"What the hell." Katie whispers, before shooting a monster away from her using her wind powers causing the monster to get impaled by on of the wakanda's daggers.
"You guys are so screwed now." Bruce says laughing.
"Bring me Thanos!" Thor shouts storming forward.
The tree and Racoon follow Thor before he jumps into the air, raising his axe as lighten encircles him, he then lands on thhe ground hitting the axe to the floor sending the monsters around him flying.


Aria, Peter, Tony, Strange, Macie, Quill, Drax and Mantis were all anxiously waiting for Thanos' arrival. Aria was talking to Peter Parker when Macie walks up to the pair.
"Mind if I talk to Aria alone?" Macie asks, looking at Peter.
Peter looks at Aria to make sure she was okay with it which she nods in response.
"Sure." Peter says, before walking away.
"So..." Macie says, awkwardly. "I guess we're sisters."
"Yeah, we are." Aria says.
"You said your from another universe, right?" Macie asks.
"Yeah." Aria says.
"Are we still sisters in your universe?" Macie asks.
"Yeah we are. In fact, we're best friends. IN my universe we grew up together. You weren't taken by the Red Room and I wasn't taking by Hyrda. You go to school in England at the moment so we don't see each other much but we try to Facetime at least once a week." Aria explains, looking down.
"I'm glad we're friends in at least one universe." Macie says, causing Aria to look up, slightly shocked.
"We could be friends in Universe." Aria says.
"That's probably not the best idea. My family is with the Guardians and yours is with the avengers. We have to stick with our families. We live two completely seperate lives, Aria. Although I would love to be friends with circumstances were different." Macie explains.
"I get that." Aria says, with a small smile. "We have another sister in my universe. After all this dad and his Fiance Pepper Potts has their first kid together. They call her Morgan."
"I bet she's lovely." Macie says.
"She really is." Aria says, a small smile on her face as she thinks of her little sister.
The sister she hadn't seen in two years and missed so much it physically hurt her.
Macie goes to say something but a blue cloud portal appears. The group all look towards it to see Thanos emerging.

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