Chapter 5

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In my peripheral vision, I could see Homeless Dude approaching his post, until he was directly across the street from me.

I had picked up his reply from this morning.

Although this is probably a horrible and stupid decision, I now have a reason to trust you because the chocolate you gave me was not poisoned and nor was it filled with some weird drug that knocked me out. Also, anyone who likes Harry Potter can't be a bad person. Right?
And don't diss my babies. Leave my chocolate out of this!
What is this cult that you keep on going on about?
P.S thanks for the chocolate.
P.P.S I like it better when you don't use newspaper cuttings.
P.P.P.S you have nice handwriting.
- A guy who is slightly creeped out by the fact that he has a stalker, but flattered at the same time.

I was slightly miffed that he still thought that I was a stalker even though my accidental chocolate buying was supposed to be a peace offering of sorts. I had written my reply in an alley (the same one that I had hinted at attacking him in) and stuffed it in the pavement crack just before he arrived.

First off, I'm not a stalker. Okay. Maybe I am. But I haven't followed you home or anything. I trust you not to misuse the information that I have given you. But that doesn't mean that I trust you, as a person. I still don't know what shady cult business you are into. Answer my question so that I can end this.
- Your creepy non-stalker.
P.S I know I have nice handwriting. *cough* *cough* better than yours *cough* *cough*

What made me uncomfortable was the fact that he appeared to know nothing about cults or witches.

A neon-clad power walker looked at me from the corner of her eye as she moved past. Her lips quirked into a brief sneer at the sorry change at the bottom of my bucket.

Her waist pouch jiggled heavily with each stride.

I spied an orphaned pound coin on the pavement. It wasn't there before; probably the neon fanatic's.

And that my friends, is Karma, who can be a real female dog sometimes.

I picked it up and dumped it in my bucket.

I then heard a chuckle from across the street. I sneaked a look at Homeless Dude, who was reading my note.

He disappeared again.

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived again and placed the note in the pavement and something on the steps of the laundrette's before sauntering off.

I finished work early that night, eager to get to the note.

What is this whole trust thing? You're my stalker, you should know stuff about me. But, anyways, since you're obviously a very inefficient stalker and borderline psychotic, I'm going to return the favour and tell you some stuff about myself so that I don't get jumped by a crazy in a dark alleyway tonight.
a) my favourite colour is royal purple
b) I have a dog
c) Mars bars are life, along with HP of course.
Also stop with this cult business. I don't know if you're some kid trying to pull a Halloween prank, but this is just stupid.
P.S I swear that there's nothing wrong with the chocolate bar.

A Twix bar lay on the steps.

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment. All support is greatly appreciated! Dedicated to booksaremylife10 for proofreading, giving me an honest opinion about my work and being an awesome friend in general.

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