Chapter 7 - The Aftermath

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TW - some swearing, talk of sex

Sebastian was strangely quiet as he led me out of the Slytherin common room and into the DADA tower. His pace was quick and he stayed a constant few steps ahead of me, only looking back occasionally to check I was still following him. It was early hours of the morning so the corridors were empty, but I still felt on edge as we walked through the silence. My head was pounding; screaming out with every step I took. Sebastian's loud footsteps were bouncing off the walls as he walked with purpose, making my headache feel ten times worse.

I soon realised he was leading me to the Undercroft. He took me around the side of the stairs removing his wand from his pocket and opening the secret door. He gave me a knowing look as I entered, thinking he was about to blow my mind...

Sebastian followed me inside and cleared his throat before turning on his performance mode. He stood in the middle of the room with his arms stretched out either side of him. "This is-"

"The Undercroft?" I interrupted him.

His arms fell to his sides unenthusiastically and his face completely dropped. "You know?!" I started chuckling as I saw him sigh dramatically and roll his eyes. "It took Ominis nearly a year to show me this place. You've hardly been here a week. What gives?" He slumped on the sofa and I realised he actually looked a little hurt by the whole thing. I slumped down next to him.

"I wouldn't take it personally Seb" I rubbed my temples still in a bit of pain. Seb's eyes remained glued to the floor. "After you left me in library I found myself in a bit of trouble". I sighed. "Cutting a long story short I was really injured and Ominis helped me. He bought me here so I could rest and he helped to heal me. If it wasn't for that, I'm sure he wouldn't have shown me".

I'd never seen Seb so withdrawn or quiet. I could tell something was on his mind and I don't think it was just the fact that Ominis had shown me this place.

Sebastian stood up and walked over to a chest that was pushed up against the wall. He pulled out a small blue-ish potion and handed it to me whilst collapsing back on the sofa next to me, crossing his arms. He gave me a broken smile before quietly explaining "It's for the headache". I drank the potion in one gulp, wasting no time in clearing my head. The potion was extremely sweet reminding me of honey, it instantly gave me a boost of energy and removed any feeling of nausea or dizziness.

Feeling a lot more relaxed, I settled down into the sofa, looking over at Sebastian who looked extremely distant.

"Me, Anne and Ominis used to play here all the time" he said interrupting my thoughts. He chuckled to himself before continuing "She used to love playing Gobstones. I could never stand it, I used to complain every time she suggested it. But I'd give anything to play it with her now".

"Is Anne your sister?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I can't believe I never told you her name" he chuckled slightly. "I think you'd get on well with her you know". I watched as Sebastian's face seemed to light up as he spoke about his sister. I could tell how much her illness was affecting him but I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't really sure what was wrong with her and I didn't want to say the wrong thing or come across as being too nosy.

"How is she doing?" I asked softly.

He fidgeted in his seat, looking slightly uncomfortable. "The last month or so has been a toll on all of us. I'm not sure if it's getting worse or if she's just getting fed up. Either way, it's been pretty stressful". He looked at the floor again appearing more distant.

"I'm sorry Seb. I wish there was something I could do". We sat in an awkward silence for a short while. I wasn't sure if I'd said the wrong thing by asking about her, but I wanted him to know that I cared. He started messing with his shirt sleeve but appeared to relax a little. It was obviously hard for him to talk about her but I think he enjoyed it in a way, each story he told about her bought him so much joy. It was heartwarming to see him so happy.

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