Part 16~Groups

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"As you all know, we'll be going on a three-day, two-night trip to Kyoto next week. I don't want to interfere with your fun, but this is part of your mission, too." Karasuma paused his explanation as the class gulped. "Now, Kyoto is a large and complex city. And since you get to choose where you go sightseeing and since he'll be accompanying you, all we need to know is where to put the snipers. We have several snipers already deployed to the city awaiting orders. If the assassination succeeds, the 100 million dollars will be divided among you- depending on your contribution. I'd appreciate it if you'd come up with some choice target zones."


"Keiji," Meg called, "Have you chosen your group yet?"

Keiji paused, humming. "I'm going with my boyfriends."

Nagisa paused, blinking as he looked at Karma. He had to hide the snicker as he spoke into Keiji's mind. "And here I thought I was the only one who saw Karma as hot," Nagisa smirked as Keiji frowned in confusion. The poor boy didn't realise his mistake. "I think you killed Karma."

Karma was staring in the distance, almost as red as his hair.

Nagisa walked up to Karma, waving a hand in front of him. "Karma? You still alive?" Karma didn't respond as Nagisa chuckled, ice-covered his hands for a second as he placed them on Karma's hand. He screamed, jumping back and looking at Nagisa in confusion. Nagisa laughed harder. "Are my hands cold?"

"You're cruel."

Nagisa shrugged. "I didn't put them on your back, so not really." Nagisa kicked his foot, growing nervous. "Maybe you should warm them up so I can't do it again."

Karma rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around Nagisa and taking his hands. "Better?"

"Much." Keiji chuckled, hiding his wide smile as Nagisa glared at him. "Don't say it."

"But how can I not? You're so adorable."

"Don't make me stab you."

"You won't do that." Keiji chuckled, placing a kiss on Nagisa's forehead as he grew red, lowering his head much to Keiji and Karma's amusement. "So, who should we team up with?"

"Do we have to team up with anyone else?" Karma and Nagisa shared the thought as Keiji sighed softly.

"Yes. Yes, you do. Be happy. This can be one of the times you're actually social."

"Social interactions are hell. I have enough with Esumi and Koko."

"But Esumi and Koko aren't in this class. Hey, Okuda, want to join us?"

Okuda blinked in surprise. "Really?"

"Sure. I think you'll be a great fit for the group."

"Me too!" Kayano bounced over as Keiji forced his smile to stay. He still got the wrong vibe from her.

"Is that everyone? I thought we were meant to be in groups of six."

Keiji hummed, tapping his chin. "We already have three guys. Let's balance it out. What about Kanzaki? She's really smart and organised, one of the best in the class."

Kanzaki gulped as she walked over. "You really want me to join?"

Nagisa shrugged. "As long as you can put up with my idiots. It's a shame Sugino can't join us. He's one of the few who I actually like."

"Sorry, Nagi, you've been outvoted."

"Fuck the democracy."

Kayano and Okuda shared a worried look. "Let's hope Keiji can keep those two under control."

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