Chapter 5 - Season 3

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The next morning I rolled over in bed and straight into Klaus. I couldn't be bothered to open my eyes so I kept them closed in the hopes that I would be able to stay asleep. It almost worked when Klaus's voice made me jump.

"I know you're awake sweetheart. I've spoken to Elijah" I snapped my eyes open and looked up at him waiting for him to continue. "It seems they may be a little longer. It turns out they have ghosts running amok back in Mystic Falls" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How? Spirits from the other side shouldn't be able to physically interact with anyone. I'm going to have to contact my ancestors, they may be able to help" I jumped up out bed and quickly thew on some clothes. Though as Klaus left the room, I felt the presence of my ancestors. "Mum. I was just about to come and talk to the ancestors" my mother smiled at me before coming over and taking my hands.

"We already knew, I am here to give you answers. So when Miss Bennett brought her boyfriend back to life, she wedged the door open to the other side. The original witch took advantage of it and of Bonnie. That's the reason the ghosts can physically interact. She needs to close that door hen. It being open is not good for anyone" I nodded thanking my mum before quickly phoning Sheila.

"Hey baby. It's been a while, how are you?"

"Hey Grams. Listen I know what's happened with the ghost situation. I know how to fix it but I'm too far away to help. Can you help Bonnie close that door?"

"Of course I can baby. What do you need me to do" I quickly explained to Sheila what I needed her and Bonnie to do, explaining that they also needed the necklace. Sheila promised me that it would be done before the end of the day and rushed off to tell Bonnie. Klaus then came into the room holding a set of car keys, sighing he tossed them to me.

"They need you sweetheart. The Bennett witches are not strong enough to do this alone and Elijah is running around trying to find Damon who was pulled into something by a ghost named Mason Lockwood." I sighed before jumping up and kissing Klaus.

"I love you Nik, I hope you know that. I will be back soon" I rushed off and climbed into the car and flooring it back to Mystic Falls. My phone has been blowing up the entire journey, no doubt Elijah and Damon telling me to stay put. I made it back in half the time it took to make it there, driving straight to the witch house to meet Sheila who said she would meet me there. Pulling up I rushed up to the abandoned house and straight into the basement.

"It's nice to see you Jamie" Sheila quickly embraced me, so I took a minute to relax a little in her embrace.

"Has Bonnie got the necklace?" the sun had started to go down, and I was concerned that the longer this went on the worse it would be. Bonnie took another couple of hours but eventually she rushed down the stairs and stopped dead at the sight of me.

"You are supposed to be somewhere safe" Bonnie said quickly before hugging me, "I'm glad you're here though" she whispered to me causing my to smile.

"Have you got the necklace? We need to get this done" Bonnie handed me the necklace, I took it off her throwing it into the fire, Sheila came up and placed her hand in mine, as did Bonnie and the three of us began chanting. When we ended the spell I looked at the two Bennett witches. "Thank you for helping me you guys. I'm sorry I haven't been around much these days" Both of them hugged me at once.

"You have nothing to apologise for baby. If people would stop trying to kill your soulmates you wouldn't have to hide so much" Sheila gently wiped away a tear that had fallen down my face. I gave them both a wobbly smile before I burst into tears. They both held me as I cried, it felt good to actually have my feelings to be acknowledged. It seems that people have a habit of not taking my feelings into consideration and I just let it slide because I was made to feel bad if I didn't. Eventually I bid my goodbyes to Sheila and Bonnie and drove to the boarding house. I quietly opened the door and closed it, trying not to alert anyone that I was here. I made myself a glass of scotch before standing in front of the fire.

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