5. Never Ever

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Finnick and I agreed on taking night shifts, I sat up pick in hand ready for anything that'd come my way. As I stood guard of my own enemy I couldn't stop thinking about what he'd said earlier, his words repeating in my mind like a broken record of my favorite song. It was like he was trying to write something on a burning page. I felt as if there was something I was missing he was so hard to understand, not that I really wanted to figure Finnick Odair out anyway though. Through the few hours I stood watch nothing happened, I just laid by the burning out fire left to my thoughts and Finnick's sleep murmurs. My eyes started to flutter shut when a hand grasped my shoulder.
"I'll take it from here sweetheart" Finnick said dragging his fingers up my neck letting go. I hated the way he touched me but someow it left me wanting more of it. I couldn't deny that Finnick was attractive, hell if he wasn't him I'd want him too.


"Don't make a sound" I woke up to Finnick directly on top of me with his hand covering my mouth.

"What the fuck are you doi-" before I could even finish my scentence Finnick's hand quickly came back down to cover my mouth.

His seafoam green eyes peered into my soul intensely as he quietly yet agressivley whispered into my left ear, "What the fuck did I just say Blaire" his gaze turned from my eyes and trailed up behind me. As my eyes followed his I saw it. Shadows being projected onto the white glistening snow moving toward us. I nodded at Finnick ensuring him that I had seen what he did. He slowly crept off of me grabbig his trident allowing me to get up from my laying position and grasp one of my knives. The two of us carefully headed to the front of the cave with our backs against the stone wall. The voices came closer and their words started to become distinguishable.  Finnick swiftly pushed me behind him almost protectively, sheilding me as he launched himself out of the cave ready to attack.

"Peeta! Peeta watch out!" I heard a girl gasp freightendly, automaticly registering that to be no other than Katniss Everdeen, my supposed ally according to Avon. I rushed myself out of the cave jumping on top of Finnick tackling him to the ground.

"Finnick Stop! It's them,it's them" I screeched out of breath on top of the district 4 boy.

Katniss still kept her bow and arrow drawn pointed at my forced ally. I held up my hands as if in surrender looking her in the eyes. "Katniss remember who the real enemy is" I said huffing.

The starcrossed lover girl drew her arrow aback and furrowed her brows. "where did you get that" she asked sternly gesturing to Haymitch's gold bracelet on Finnick's wrist.

"Good thing we're allies right" he said pushing me off of him with chuckle noticing another tribute behind Katniss, "Duck" he said before throwing his triton at the other tribute, killing him instantly. The cannon went off as Finnick retrieved his possesion from the corpse. Finnick turned around smirking at me hanging his head lowly.

"Go grab your things sweetheart we need to move" he said twirling his triton. I shakily nodded going back into the cave to grab my stuff. I had no idea what on Earth Finnick was doing to me, it was like he possessed me with his dominance and beauty.


As we headed down the snowy mountain towards to pine woods Finnick followed closely behind me letting the district twelve duo lead the way. As the pair kept moving through the forest, Finnick grabbed ahold of my arm stopping me dead in my tracks. He turned me around to face him his face closer to mine than I would prefer. "I know you're probably skeptical about this plan, Blaire, but you have to just trust me. Okay princess?"

There it was again. That stupid nickname he assigned me, princess. I scoffed at the 6ft man holding me, "Finnick why would I ever have the nerve to truly trust you? It is no secret to anyone in Panem that we hate each other, I hate you Finnick Odair, get that through your peacock brain and stop calling me that"

"what makes you think I hate you dear?"

"Don't even fucking dare do this right now, we all know why, Everybody knows. Everybody knows it's because I stole ypur title and you cannot handle being upstaged" I grinned evily at the man seeing his eyes glow with fury.

Finnick's once flirtacious eyes turned into menacing ones as he growled tightening his grip on me slamming me hard against a tree. "Don't you ever fucking disrespect me Blaire, I'll snap you inti pieces right now" he screamed at me through gritted teeth, his hand clenching my chin harshley, his eyes not breaking contact.

Katniss came running over breaking Finnick Odair off of me knocking me to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you two? huh? Enough of us are going to die anyway don't start now" she scolded keeping us at a distance.


The four of us treked more througout the woods for what felt like hours. Neither Finnick nor I spoke a word towards one another. Katniss and I took the lead with the boys following about ten feet behind us.

"so why do you and Finnick hate each other so much"

"I stole his title" I shrugged.

"No" Katniss said clearly not liking my answer,"I mean come on now Blaire there's got to be more to it than that. It's clear Finnick cares about you, at least a little, hell he protected you from us, people don't just protect the people they hate"

Katniss' words stuck in my head, sure we hated each other but she was right Finnick did throw himself first when I should have been his sacrifice. Did Finnick care about me? No ofcourse not that's ridiculous, he's only protecting me and trailing me like a dog because we're forced to be allies that's it.

"Just because I hate him doesn't mean I want him dead" I say not looking at her.

"You know what Blaire, I'll bet you that you don't even actually hate each other, infact I'd bet that it may even be something stronger than hate, but possibly love"

Was Katniss out of her goddamn mind? I could never love Finnick, I hated him to my core, everytime I saw him I'd get this hot messy feeling that would fuel me with rage towards him. Besides Finnick Odair hated me, he was the one who initiated that bit. I could never ever love a man as egocentric, diluted and cocky as him. Never?

sorry it's been a while, ive been busy but the story is gonna start picking up real soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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