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On Realising the fifty nobles, five of them stayed to look after Kurush's dominions means those villages which were disturbed by Kurush always, twenty of them got in two and went to ten Kurush- occupied kingdoms to encourage their spirits.

Kurush was already wet by sweat out of fear for Justice that how could a small king Challenge a big Empire, he was fearing of the fall of his Trelovana Empire,

Justice and his team worked in groups, their plan was to disguise the fellow enemies, by hiding in numbers behind the fort pillars with oils which were hot as a trap and with poisonous arrows. As soon as the enemy soldiers got the order, the sharpoosters (tier 2 man range army) threw several arrows toward the fort even which they did not get any reply, not any sound as Justice soldiers formed a barrier by climbing on each other's shoulder and covered themselves with big in side shields, here grunts (tier 1 infantry army) helped them "My Lord, its too much illitating and more ever surprising, not a single sound nor any soldier has been seen till now..." A soldier asked Mentor and in his reply he got the answer of keep attacking.

After a fierce fought only from one side the almost tired army were ordered to break the door with a tree bark while inside the castle, Justice already put a big stone after the door. Mentor was losing his patient and he shouted useless, climb the wall and open the door from interior According to the order, they threw ropes on the pillars and

WAR OF DEAD: INVASION OF KURUSH (CHAPTER 1)Where stories live. Discover now