Valentine's Day

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New Year's Day was a good day. Marcus and I got a chance to share it together, even though we were both in the hospital. I got my walking papers about a week before he did; they wanted to make sure everything was good before Marcus was released because he was in a coma for a week.

Of course I was there to pick Marcus when he finally got released. That was the happiest of all days. Seeing him dressed in a pair of baggy jeans, a hoodie and his big ass winter coat, was a welcoming sight from the hospital gown.

"Ready to go?" I said holding on to the wheelchair to escort him out.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready to go. You shouldn't have to push me though,"

"Well, you gotta be in the wheelchair to leave the hospital, so sit yo' ass down," I said pointing to the chair. He shook his head and sat down.

"You lucky I love you," he said laughing as I pushed him out into the hallway.

'Naw, you're the lucky one," I replied.

"Yes I am."

I drove to Marcus' studio and a person could tell we hadn't been there in a while. Our Christmas gifts were on the couch. Franklin said that the police had gathered and given him all the gifts that had fallen out of the truck. Franklin just placed them on the couch and placed all the flowers we got in the hospital on any surface throughout the studio. The Christmas decorations were still up and glowing. I remembered us being in the bed just before we left to go to the party. It seemed like so long ago and not 2-3 weeks. As soon as I got Marcus settled, my phone started ringing - it was Monica.


"Hey Bitch, you and Marcus home?"

"Yeah, we just got here, wassup?"

"Franklin and I wanted to come by and see y'all and see if y'all need anything,"

"Oh ok, why don't y'all stop and get some food from Lawrence Fisheries, we haven't eaten yet," I asked.

"Oh ok cool, we'll do that. See you in a minute," she said, hanging up the phone.

"Monica and Franklin are coming over and they are bringing food,"

"Oh ok," he said, coming over to me. He smiled and smoothed a few locs back behind my ears. "I'm so happy to be back home with you," he said, pulling me into his embrace.

"Me too, I don't know what I would have done if I lost you," I said as I nuzzled my face under his chin and against his neck.

"I know I would be lost if I had lost you," he said, caressing my back. He held me tight and I didn't want to leave his embrace. "I love you baby girl," he said, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you too," I didn't have to hesitate on how I felt about Marcus.

I was sure I loved him. I was lost when I thought I lost him. I had never had that feeling in my entire life. I felt as though my heart was being pulled out of my chest.

He was my heart.


Things were finally getting back to normal. Franklin and I were finally getting the recognition we deserved. We won the Grammy for the song we produced and that just opened more opportunities for me and Franklin. Our company was growing and we were making a name for ourselves in the music industry.

Siedah was with me and I was happy. All that shit we went through and she was still there for me, I knew she was the one. I guess it would take something tragic to make a person realize that we need to be thankful for those who are in our lives when they are there and appreciate them everyday. And to tell them you love them because tomorrow is not promised. Just as I thought things had quieted down, things took a turn. Not for the worst, just unexpected.

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