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This is something that needs to be addressed first. Expect to see sensitive subjects like slavery, racism, war crimes, racial slurs (like Negro or Nigger), prejudice against skin color, etc. I don't support any of this as all of this is simply just a part of the story. Please don't feel offended or report me to get my account deleted. I'm not racist to please just no toxic or angry comments against me. Though based on the 'Southern Victory' book series, changes were made to the timeline which would make the South the victor. Expect elements from Wolfenstein to appear.

========== (Timeline-191) ==========


-Special Order-191 is recovered by a Confederate soldier. The Army of the Potomac is later crushed at the Battle of Camp Hill in Pennsylvania enabling the Confederacy to capture Philadelphia coupled with the successful invasion of Kentucky by Braxton Bragg wins them diplomatic recognition from Great Britain and France. The United States are forced to grant the Confederate States their independence.


-The Dominion of Canada is created.


-Abraham Lincoln (then Republican) loses the presidential election in a landslide to a Democratic candidate.

Late 1860s

-Russia attempts to sell Alaska to the United States. However, a $7 million price tag is too much money.


-Cuba is bought by the Confederate States from Spain.


-Germany unified into a single sovereign state after the Franco-Prussian War which ended in a Prussian/German victory.


-Samuel Tilden (Democrat) is elected President of the USA.


-James Longstreet (Whig and war hero of the War of Secession) is elected President of the Confederate States.


-James G. Blaine (Republican), known for his hardline anti-Confederate policies, defeats Samuel Tilden in the 1880 election.


-The CSA finalize the purchase Sonora and Chihuahua from the Mexican Empire for $3,000,000. The USA use the purchase as a pretext for declaring war upon the Confederacy. James Longstreet enters the CSA into an alliance with Britain and France. This results in a victory for the Confederacy once more. Part of northern Maine is annexed into the Canadian providence of New Brunswick. The only major victory for the U.S in the war was in Montana, where forces under Theodore Roosevelt and George Armstrong Custer were able to repel the British and Canadian invaders, albeit after the official end of the war. The USA creates an alliance with the German Empire. As part of its negotiations with France and Britain, the Confederacy phases out slavery, although heavy segregation remains. The day of the Armistice (April 22) becomes Remembrance Day in the USA. It is treated as a somber commemoration holiday.

-In the aftermath of the war, the Republican party suffers a three-way split, with the left-wing Socialist Party forming under leadership of former President Abraham Lincoln, his followers, and liberal Republicans. The Democrats are pushed to the right by conservative Republicans merging into the party with the help of Benjamin Butler and become an ongoing majority party. The Republicans survive, but as a centralist third party with very little power outside the Midwestern US.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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