002 The Blood Shed

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Carmelita could not stand Ringo and continued walking on the edge of the mountain without hesitation, her mind was just to go forward-


Carmelita yelled out, as Mizu caught her before she fell off the edge, she breathed heavily as Mizu helped her up.

"Just shut him off!"

Mizu whispered to him, as she continued to walk in anger, she looked at the empty stall before walking off again, Mizu following her, before a drunk person came in front of her, she stayed silent before speaking.

"A festival.."

She spoke, before walking off into the crowd, she looked around as she held onto her coat, and she watched the children run around her before they stopped noticing her facial features.

"You are not Japanese... You can I-in-"

"Indio... Yes, would you like to braid my hair?"

She asked, as she took her hair off the bun, revealing her dark lock was longer than expected it seemed like it reached her feet, she smiled as she watched the children run behind her to do her hair, as she watched Mizu starting at her, she kept silent as the children braided her hair, her gaze on the other children who ran to her touching her face as they were curious, she turned to one as she noticed that she and he had the same facial feature.

"You a Filipino too hm?"

The child nodded, as he cowardly walked towards her.

"Where is your... Parents-"

She stopped talking as she noticed blood on the child, she kept silent holding his hand, and she flinched as the children put her braided hair with the pins, she smiled bowing a bit before walking with the child.

"Would you like to be my company for my adventure?"

She asked as the boy nodded smiling big, she smiled and continued walking with him.

"Your name is..?"


Luis said happily, which made her smile softly as she crouched down.

"Now... I warn you, Luis, that the adventure will be dangerous, so I want you by my side."

Luis nodded, as she moved his hair away from his face, she then turned to a small pond of water and started to look at her beautiful hair say the least, she looked around confused as she could not find Mizu.


She said as she walked holding Luis's hand as she walked,  she held her skirt up a bit, to make her walk freely before she was stopped by some drunken men.

"I'm sorry I have to go-"

"You're a pretty lady.."

He whispered leaning in close, making Carmelita hide Luis behind her, as she cursed them at Tagalog.

"Dapat kayo ay tumalikod bago kita patayin!"

"Woah woah! Calm down,  we were just joking..."

The men laughed, and she left quickly with Luis, she sighed finally finding Mizu, as Luis was in her arms tired, Mizu and Carmelita's attention was on the drum, making Mizu stand up.

"The drums... Maybe we should go look for fu-"

Carmelita's eyes widened, as she saw a blade coming through the tree, Carmelita took her dagger out, using one arm to hold Luis who was still asleep, and Mizu used one arm to cover Carmelita, as they backed up a bit.

"We don't know you, and we have no dispute."

Mizu said as he backed up noticing the men coming towards them.

"You have enemies now. Rich ones. You can take off those things. We know what they hide. We know who you are. All Kyoto is talking about. The unnamed samurai, and his little Indio whore, who cut through Shindo Dojo."

Mizu took off his glasses, making them shocked as Carmelita hid behind Mizu a bit.

"We have a name..."

"No one will ever know it."

They took both their swords out and came toward them, Carmelita used her hand which was holding the dagger to hold onto Mizu as they both backed up, both being on the edge which made them stern, she looked at Mizu who nodded, before she pulled Mizu with her and jumped off, although Mizu was on the edge, Carmelita was on the breaking point of falling but held on with the dagger stabbed on the dirt, she scoffed and Luis was by far scared, Carmelita flinched when a man landed underneath her which made her stern, her hand on the dagger, and the other on Luis holding him tightly close to her.

"Pretend it's a game of holding..."

Luis held onto her tight, and Carmelita forced her dagger out of the dirt and stabbed the man below her pushing his body off, and putting her back on the dirt breathing heavily, she flinched when another landed next to her, she stabbed the dagger onto the dirt wall again and swing on it hitting the man, before locking her neck around his neck and snapping it before throwing him off, she looked at the edge seeing Mizu down their before the giant man came behind her, and checking her from behind, Luis was taken by the giant man by his head, as Carmelita tried to breathe for air, the giant man laughed before throwing them both off, Carmelita pulled Luis to her and landed on the ground hitting her head a bit, she moaned softly as Mizu came to her helping her, Carmelita hissed in pain as Mizu forced her to stay in the rocks, as he stood up to fight the giant man, all Carmelita could see before everything went back was Mizu falling on the ground felling unconscious as she also did, her grip of Luis loosen, as Luis tried to hid from Taigen.


Words: 941

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