004 The Brothel

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Carmelita walked down the streets, as she held a sleeping Luis in her arms, her gaze upon the board before she stopped walking, as she noticed Mizu paying one of the performers before she followed the man yelling, she started at the men in the yellow with the scar, as she flinched when she saw the man in the dark cloak die with one blink, the man in front of them threw his her upset, as the woman led him away.

"Should I find us an inn for tonight?"

Mizu put his glasses up and walked off.

"No, I need a brothel."

Ringo looked shocked as he gasped, as he turned to look at Carmelita who looked offensive.

"I don't think he means it-"

"I do, now come on!"

Mizu yelled as Carmelita followed scoffing.

Luis was awoken but was hidden under Carmelita's cloak as she looked around, Ringo tried to talk to Mizu but he ignored him, they stopped in one place, and Ringo looked at Carmelita nervously, Carmelita was shocked upon seeing the brothel, she held Luis close to her who snuggled close to her, she walked in following Mizu.

"Welcome sir, welcome we are pleased to have you select us from options- Carm-"

Carmelita placed a finger on her mouth hushing the man who understood, the man nodded turning back to Mizu with a smile.

"Madame Kaiji is the proprietor here. I would like to see her."

"Madame Kaiji's client's book months ahead if you prefer older women, we cater to every taste."

"My taste is to be seen by Madame Kaiji."

The man gave him an awkward smile bowing, before leading them to the smoked area, Carmelita's gaze sharpened as she started at the women, who whispered seeing her again, as some waved, she bowed their heads at them before the man led them to a place to sit down.

"You can wait here."

The man bowed, as he stared at Mizu asking him.

"Do you have money?"

Mizu showed him a pouch making the man hum, before walking off as a prostitute walked over to them, upon sitting on her knees the woman gasped seeing Carmelita, Carmelita shook her head as the woman bit her lip to say anything, she poured tea before leaving.

"Why did she seem shocked seeing you, Carmelita?"

Ringo asked looking at her, as she stuttered making Mizu look at her, before Carmelita flinched, she saw a woman with blue eyes, she backed up as Mizu proceeded to walk off a bit.

A minute later, a woman arrived in heavy clothes.

"I said no thank you to the company.."

"Carmelita... You've come back, are you here to work again?"

Madame Kaiji asked with a smile, making Mizu shocked as he looked up his hat his wife, Carmelita shook her head before she bowed.

"With a... Family I see, I also see that none of my girls captured the young gentleman's attention, I assume this man is your husband?"

Carmelita nodded, as Luis came out of the cloak and climbed onto Mizu's lap, Luis was given back to Mizu as he followed Madame Kaiji, and she sighed hushing Luis to sleep again.

Carmelita followed Mizu and Madame Kaiji outside, as Luis was sleeping on her back with the help of a cloth.

"Women like me and Carmelita must be practical, we must focus on our result that gambling house belongs to Boss Hamata, everything belongs to Boss Hamata, him and his thousand class army, half of what we make is his, at times he asked for more, anyone who challenges him wakes to find a thousand claws chafe to destroy everything they love... Six months ago, Boss Hamata took-"


Carmelita whispered as Mizu looked at his wife with worried eyes.

"I bought Kinuyo from her father who'd grown tired of abusing her, he knew nothing about his daughter except that she was deaf and mute, Carmelita took good care of her, and in time she grew to trust us, Carmelita promised her that she dare not to let any man touch her again, even if Carmelita was dead... But Boss Hamata likes to break delicate things, so he swept her away from Carmelita, he took her from her, he took her from... Me."

"You want me to kill Boss Hamata?"

Madame Kaiji was hesitant before her voice which was filled with sorrow spoke.

"No... Her, they know my love for Kinuyo, if anything happens to him, a thousand or even more will come to my door, killing every soul I took in my care... Even your wife, you must make it look like an accident, no witness whatsoever."

"I will be like my smoke."

"Swear it."

"I swear."

Carmelita placed Luis placing him on the mattress before Mizu came to her, placing his hand on one of her breasts as he leaned in, Carmelita kept silent as she watched Luis before she pushed him away as a woman entered.

"May I serve you both?"

"I said I don't want any compa-"

"Please. If you don't let me in, Madame will beat me."

Both Mizu and Carmelita turned to her, as she was holding a cup of sake upon them, Carmelita's gaze sharpened upon noticing the girl's intention, the smelt of drugged could be waving around the room, as Carmelita took in the scent disgusted, Carmelita took noticed of her as she compliments Mizu's eyes, she kept silent keeping a poker face, but under that was a jealous and hateful eyes as Carmelita tapped her finger on her leg. Carmelita made Akemi's trip, before holding her arms and Mizu holding her legs, the tea tray getting thrown away, as Akemi now demanded her to get released, Carmelita scoffed as Akemi started crying.

"He's not dead, he's alive... Somewhere."

Mizu let go of her, and Akemi sat up holding onto Carmelita as she tore up. Carmelita sat in front of Akemi as she was now tied up Luis was still fast asleep, and Carmelita held a dagger before Akemi broke the silence.

"How do you deal with him... He seems he's always angry."

Carmelita looked up, her gaze was now soft as Akemi took notice.

"Our marriage was arranged, a woman offered him to me, so my parents accepted it although we were both fifteen... We were in love and had Luis."

Carmelita smiled looking back at the dagger.

"Did he gift that to you?"

"Not only that... He made it."

Akemi nodded, as Carmelita made her lay down a bit.

"I'll see you in the morning princess."


My Wattpad glitched and lost half of work so yeah

Words: 1095

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