001 A Man And His Woman

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A man walked down the snowy village, with a woman following him, she wore somewhat different foreign clothes under her beige cloak, as she followed her husband before she heard steps, she stopped walking and turned to them as she smiled softly, she crouched to the child's height whispering.


"I'm sorry!"

She shook her head, as she chuckled before she took out some gold from her pouch, and placed it in his hand, as she placed a finger in her mouth with a smile.

"It's a secret between us ok..."

The child's scared face turned into a grin, as he ran away with his friends before she followed her husband again to the teahouse, she sighed in relief as the warm air hit her body, she walked to a table and sat on her knees as her husband sat across, before a man came to them bowing.

"Welcome, Miss and Sir, I'll bring you some tea, it's not good tea but it's hot, and you are frozen, and I'll bring your wife a rag because she has snot drips. And hot soba!"

He said, although Mizu kept his head low he nodded, making the man leave, Carmelita followed his gaze turning to a man, as he had stopped the server.

"Stumpy! More noodles, fast!"

The server bowed before the man turned back to the two women keeping their heads low.

"Finish your bowls, I paid your fathers good money for you, once you get some curve on your skinny country nothing. Eat!"

Carmelita turned away, as she tapped her finger on the wooden table, before Mizu held her hand tightly, which made her calm down, once the bowls arrived, Carmelita grabbed the bowl smelled the scent, and then tried the soup as Mizu did the same, Carmelita smiled at the test as she noticed Mizu eating fast before she spoke.

"Don't eat so fast love.."

She mentioned, that as she started eating, Mizu ate slowly this time following his wife's command.

"It's good right...?"

"It is."

Carmelita said with a smile, the server smiled before walking off, and Carmelita chuckled a bit as she noticed Mizu already finished his bowl.

"You didn't even wait for me."

Mizu grunted as Carmelita finished her bowl before she heard the man yelling, her eyes squinted as she noticed the man taking out a gun, Mizu lifted his head a bit, Carmelita had her hand on her hip, as a dagger was there waiting to get out before she watched Mizu walked towards them, she kept silent watching as she stood up just in case, her eyes widen as the man stood up again to point the gun again but this time at Mizu.

"You put my bullet against your blade?"

"You don't deserve my blade, you don't even deserve this blade.."

"But this blade does!"

Carmelita said jumping in the air, as Mizu kicked the man Carmelita sliced the man's fingers before Mizu caught her in a bridal way, Mizu placed her down and gestured for her to wait outside, Carmelita gave the girls gold before walking out, and she sighed staring at the heavy snowing, before Mizu walked out grabbing her wrist then walking off to the snow.

In the mountains, Mizu was walking behind Carmelita, before Mizu turned around to see the server following them, Carmelita didn't seem to notice them, as she continued to walk, she stopped in front of an old house and started to light some smudge sticks, and kneeled next to Mizu, as they both recall their fateful memories.

As Mizu was cornered by the boys, Carmelita was fighting half of them in the mud, as she had tried to defend Mizu.

"Will you tell me that stupid Filipino girl to shut up!"

The boy punched Carmelita in the face, making her cough blood and holding her mouth, as the fighting continued a blue meteorite intercepted them, Carmelita ran to Mizu, and the blind man to check on them, as Carmelita tasted the blood in her mouth, before Carmelita followed them.

As Mizu paid the guard some coins, Carmelita looked at the mother and daughter sadly, before walking in with Mizu who wrapped his arms around her, as Mizu tried to ask around the people who ignored him, Carmelita managed to pull him back a bit as he almost got hit by the horses.

"Watch it asshole."

"Apologies, I'm looking for something but Kyoto's very big... Do you know where I can find the Shindo Dojo?"

"Shindo? That's our dojo, your gonna apply?"

"You look like a blind beggar."

The other soldier added, slapping Mizu's glasses away with the stick, as they laughed before he used the stick to trace Carmelita's chin making her back up a bit, finally the soldier said the path, before the center soldier got off the horse, walking to Carmelita.

"I wonder... Where did you get a Filipino whore ey?"

He said, grabbing Carmelita by the waist, making her push him away in disgust.

"She is no whore... She's my wife."

Mizu said, before walking with Carmelita.

As Mizu was in front of a brothel, Carmelita was watching a puppy show curiously, before she noticed Mizu getting dragged by some prostitutes.


Carmelita said, as she walked to Mizu kissing his cheek, making the prostitutes burn bright red, before they walked off after the prostitute gave them the path.

It wasn't even an hour, and it was all bloodied and bones, Mizu grabbed Carmelita swinging her to some Shindo soldiers, who she hit in the stomachs with the wooden sword, before kicking one away, she hit another again as she turned her heel, before she kicked one in the stomach, making them fly to the wall, she breathes heavily holding the wooden sword.

"Put down that toy, and draw your blade!"

"But... Then you'll die."

"If he wishes to die, let his wish be granted."

Carmelita said grabbing her dagger and kneeling in front of Mizu to block the sword with the dagger, she was struggling before Mizu pushed the man away, Carmelita slid away to grab a wooden sword and continued to hit the other man with it, Carmelita held onto Mizu's back sliding on it as she kicked the man away, she noticed that all of the men were laying down knocked out cold.

"Who dares challenge the Shindo Dojo?"

"I'm afraid no one in this dojo has offered much of a ch-"

That was the final straw for him, the man came and attacked Mizu who got kicked into the wall with Carmelita, she stood up and grabbed the dagger from her shoe, as she stared at the man unhappy.

"Taige has won 24 duels. How many have you won."

Carmelita looked around and turned.

"Should we be counting?"

"Oh shut your slut of an Indio, kill them Taigen! Teach them to respect the Shindo!"

Carmelita was held back by Mizu, as she was furious that she was called that.

"Stay hold."

Mizu said and attacked the man, as the other man held Carmelita's arm to keep her from attacking as well, she watched as Mizu's glasses were thrown off, as she grabbed the wooden sword and jumped in the air, holding Taigen in the neck with the sword, making him choke on air, before Taigen threw her outside the snow, she landed and took out her dagger.

"This is way much worse."

"Stay away from this battle, if you want to live Indio."

Carmelita moved away before she noticed Mizu get hurt in the shoulder, Mizu made a peace sign before Carmelita's bloodshot eyes were shown on the re-election of Taigen's sword, not having time to react Carmelita sliced his back a bit, before she landed on Mizu, Mizu whispered to her ear, as she left the entrance not waiting outside as she breathed heavily from anger before Mizu placed a hand on her shoulder, gesturing for them to leave for now.


Words: 1326

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