006 British Blood

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Carmelita's eyes were narrow, as she put the torch up to lead the light as Mizu followed her, she stopped to look at the bones of people, her gaze on children as she inhaled sharply and walked faster with Mizu before she used her feet to stop Mizu from running, Mizu's chest was on her back as they breathe heavily, Carmelita tried opening the door as Mizu pulled out his gear, she watched as something somewhat active something and noticed water, Carmelita hit her head on the door, before swimming with Mizu behind her she moved away to let Mizu open the door, as soon as the door opened they went to a shore Carmelita coughed and leaned in the way, Mizu helped Carmelita out of the water as she laid on the floor breathing heavily, Mizu stood up and walked to the door opening it before closing of as soon as he noticed some soldiers, Mizu looked at Carmelita who hold onto the ceiling to crawl, as the soldier got closed to inspect the water Mizu used a rope to strangle him, as the soldier had fallen to his dead Mizu tried to hold onto the sword which fell catching the other soldier attention, Carmelita swing towards the man, and used her legs to strangle him her back was on the wall as the man tried to get Carmelita off him, Carmelita flinched when blood got on her and she kicked the soldiers body away, before she heard the bell ringing she breathe heavily and watched as Mizu sliced through the men.

"God I hate this."

Carmelita took her dagger out and ran up the stairs, she stared at the door with hesitant and opened it revealing a dark hallway, she looked at the wall noticed a small box, and realized it turned, she escorted and started running as spikes came out Mizu helped her jump up as he slides down, Carmelita jumps to the side and continues to run and slide she got out first, as Mizu's feet got stuck in the spike he grunted and cut the spike before he limps out almost not coming out in time, Carmelita leaned in a wall holding her head tired, Carmelita help Mizu walked up before Mizu fell on his knee.


Mizu took out the spike and threw it in frustration before Carmelita helped him get up, as Carmelita opened the door it led outside, Carmelita stopped walking and stepped onto a platform as she noticed it was a trap she stayed silent, looked at Mizu who was prepared to jump before she followed quickly and just followed him she got on the second time quicker, and the gate opened with soldiers, she grabbed her dagger from her waist looking at Mizu, as Mizu ran and throw some soldiers into the pit, Carmelita stabbed one in the throat as one held Carmelita trying to break her bones as Carmelita stabbed him in the stomach, she forced herself to flip making him fall to pit before she attacked another one she watched the man threw the sword back to Mizu before she followed Mizu in pain her bones felt like they were broken from the grip the man hugged her, Carmelita breathe heavily and forced the door open, she watched and realized it was just cookers she scoffed walking past them as she sat on the stairs light headed the woman ran towards Carmelita which Carmelita drank fast.

"T-Thank you.."

Carmelita said tired, as she sat on the wall before running with Mizu, she looked at the place in silence still waking and holding her dagger, she saw a monkey walking to Mizu with a flower before she could stop them, Mizu was already drugged by the flower, Carmelita turned just to see another monkey blow the same flower she coughed and fell to the floor as her eyed turned blue in fear she backed up upon seeing the monkeys, Carmelita screamed when she fell through the floor she coughed as dust was everywhere her ears were ringing she stood up before running up the stairs again with Mizu and jumping across the gaps.

Carmelita and Mizu stopped in front of another door, Carmelita banged her head on the wall next to the door, Mizu opened the door and Carmelita stopped noticing the dark her mind wandered off to Luis who was with Ringo, before booth Mizu and Carmelita jumped in, she saw a man ahead and she was afraid upon seeing the prisoners before her head turned back to the mm who flipped a switch which opened the doors as the candles flickered, Carmelita's black eyes before turned violet, she sat on the wall as she was covered in blood, she covered herself upon going back to her land.

"Lady Carmelita, I am very sorry for your loss."

"Do not act like you killed one of my friends just so you could marry me."

"You are smart."

The Spanish soldier said as Carmelita looked at him disgusted.

"I already kissed your hand... Which means we have to marry-"



Carmelita laughed turning to him.

"You think I'll marry you? No! You're just some rich Spanish boy and you just want to take advantage of me."

She was right, the next thing she could even know she was lying on his bed, clothes off as he had forced himself onto her, Carmelita said nothing as she grabbed her clothes and left.

Carmelita woke up and looked at Mizu and Taigen, she shook her head and walked first, she stopped upon seeing the giant man.

"Tea party."

Mizu mumbled.

"No one gets to kill you but-"

Carmelita pushed Taigen to the door and walked to the ring with Mizu, Mizu was thrown to Taigen, and Carmelita was choked, before throwing her to the wall, Carmelita jumped on the man's shoulder and stabbed his throat, Carmelita jumped off as Taigen caught her before they were sent flying from the explosion.

Carmelita held onto the wall with her before looking out the window in shock, as Mizu climbed above it, Carmelita grabbed her dagger and stabbed through the window stabbing the man in the chest, Carmelita threw herself through the mirror and stood up.

"Hello, uncle."


Abijah said standing up in anger, as Carmelita watched as Mizu was hit Carmelita watched as Taigen was kicked before Carmelita was grabbed by her hair, she groaned in pain and held onto his hand.

"I'm surprised you even survived this hell hole!"

"You... You live too long uncle."

"Too long for your liking?"

Carmelita was thrown to Taigen, and as Carmelita coughed blood, Mizu grabbed Carmelita by her kimono and ran out the window with Taigen, Carmelita got out of the ice water and breathed heavily as her vision went black.


Words: 1138

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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