005 Blood Shread

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Carmelita held a dagger hiding behind a pillar, breathing heavily with anger, she stood next to Mizu watching the door break open, as Mizu blew out the candle he made Carmelita climb onto the wooden piece on top, Carmelita who was on all fours stared at the door then back at Mizu breathing heavily, Carmelita's hair was still messed up from waking up, as the door break open Carmelita kept silent in the top following them as she crawled softly, before she jumped on one slicing their throat open, before jumping off them as Carmelita and Mizu killed the two men the man in front of them tried to slice in the dark, Mizu grabbed her by the arm preventing from getting hit before the man grabbed Mkzu stabbing him into his guts, despite Carmelita trying to help him, Mizu grabbed her arm away running off.

Although Mizu was dressed in a Kimono, Carmelita was shocked to find she was soon to get married, she stopped scrubbing her dress before continuing in jealousy, Mizu stared at Carmelita in panic as Carmelita just continued scrubbing, Carmelita was lying on the floor as she spoke.

"Will you do it-"


Mizu sighed looking at Carmelita, who sat up scoffing at Mizu's remark. Carmelita sat next to Mizu playing with her nails.

"And you Carmelita, your face is delicate his brother Masaki is finding a wife, although Mikio said it doesn't matter what she looks like, it just matters how you act."

Carmelita gave a fake smile, holding her fan tightly.

"I understand, and you are acting like I have not studied in Europe or the Philippines hm?"

Carmelita held onto Mizu, watching as Mikio and Masaki rode in front of them, both Masaki and Carmelita looking at each other nervously, as the ceremony ended, Masaki and Carmelita just sat next to each other in silence.

Mizu pointed his sword at the man, who put his hands up in defeat, Mizu sighed and walked off with Carmelita's help.

In the evening, Carmelita sat on the mattress as Masaki slowly removed the top of the Baro't Saya, she kept silent as Masaki's hands were shaky, and Carmelita covered her body in fear.

Mizu and Carmelita were trapped in the peeking room, with enemies on both sides, Mizu attacked the right as Carmelita attacked the left, and she fell to the floor breathing heavily trying to stand up, as one man stabbed her in the side, covering her mouth to muffle her screams.

Carmelita sat at the house entrance holding her pregnant stomach nervously, although Masaki and Carmelita weren't planning to have children, the pregnancy was... Unexpected.

While Mizu and Mikio were away, Carmelita went into labor, although Mizu's mother had called the town's midwife and doctors, they did no such help as Carmelita screamed in pain, Carmelita's shrieking scream echoed into the house before the crying baby stopped, she breathe heavily sitting up and crying in joyful, holding her daughter in arms as Masaki ran in, Carmelita looked at a disbelief Mizu as she smiled softly.

"It's a girl..."

Carmelita woke up to Mizu carrying her on his back, Carmelita got off and followed them running, before they got cornered by the men she sighed and led Akemi off leaving Mizu, Akemi held onto Carmelita's sleeve as Carmelits led her off.

Carmelita was asleep with her daughter on the mattress, as Masaki was up staying guard of them.

Carmelita was shocked to find out Masaki had betrayed her, and told her and Mizu to the town's samurai she started at Masaki who felt guilty and could not bear to look at her and his daughter, so he ran off, unlike Mikio who just arrived.

Carmelita walked off with Mizu as she picked up Luis in her arms with tears.

Carmelita stared at Mizu and Mikio with tears, as she held her crying daughter Mizu turned to her, and Carmelita finally walked off to a horse not bearing to look at the massacre behind her, she kept silent closing her eyes, Mizu grabbed her shoulder worried as her daughter was now asleep.

"You must not bring your daughter..."

"I know."

Carmelita had visited her parents who were still in Japan, and left her daughter with them, she apologized for being an ungrateful daughter before leaving with Mizu.


Words: 723

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