CHAPTER 3: Cast the dice and pick your poison.

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The meeting that occurred once Miller returned to the casino was lively.

All of the other yakuza members who worked there, even Tony, gathered in Millers office the second he got back, and they were treated to quite the story.

Miller described his meeting, and his escape, making the group aware of Severance and the bounties on his and Tony's heads.

His orders to them were to keep their eyes open; don't let anyone who seemed even remotely suspicious in without a search, Miller didn't want anymore weirdos in the casino with the sudden raising of stakes.

As the meeting ended, as the members returned to work though...

"Hey, Tony, hold a sec." Miller asked right as Tony was about to leave.

"Huh-?" Tony whipped around and looked at him.

"Uh...what's up Mills?" He asked, walking closer to Millers desk.

"Look...this is your problem as much as it is mine...cooperate with me to rid us of this problem...and I'll clear the rest of your debt. No questions asked." Miller explained, hoping Tony would accept.

Tony...reached into his casino uniform and pulled out a receipt.

Tony's debt, as of now, had gone down to only $100,000, from its original $1,000,000 starting point...

He thought for a minute...about the deal, and Miller, was it worth putting himself into whatever Mills needed him for to clear it?

...yeah. Yeah it was.

With a smirk, Tony tossed Miller the receipt. "I'll take your offer Mills."

With a smile, Miller caught the receipt. His hand glowing and heating up...causing the paper to disintegrate.

"Well then...from here on out? Lay low. Only work the casino an hour or two a day, I'll find someone else for your courier jobs...Your main duty right now is research into Severance...I'm going to try and find a lead on them as well, but on different means, got it?"

Tony nodded. "I hear you boss man, just hit me up once a target been found, And I'll be there with ya."

Tony walked out still facing Mills, making a 3-pronged Ryoikian peace sign as he hit the door and left the office.

Miller chuckled as he left, then stood up and began to look through the casino's records...

The next week or so was quite calm for Tony, he spent two hours a day working his favorite poker table. While most of his day was spent doing research.

With Millers permission, Tony used his work laptop to track down every lead on Severance he could find on the internet...

He found their website, two social media accounts, some articles, and a forum page.

The website was standard information: who Severance was, their mission statement, where to reach them, how to join.

Severance was, according to their website, a new era private military company, their goal was to help forge alliances between planet governments by acting as a middleman for many operations. Apart of Tony seriously doubted that.

One of the social media accounts wasn't owned by the company at all, just a random internet user with the name, but the other did appear to be related to the group. Tony recognized the symbol...but the account had been inactive for several years.

The articles were mainly related to things Severance has done, crediting them for a huge drug bust and the arrest of the supposed arsonist Oliver Bian, along with articles discussing alliances forged between planets with assistance from them.

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