CHAPTER 11: Where the shadows stretch

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A quiet metal sound rang from the exhaust as Sparky landed on it.

She was dressed up in Nenin's assassin outfit...simple enough to be worn in public, but it hid her identity quite nice with her mask on.

She perched over the city street...looking over into the old apartment building across from her.

Everyone knew about it, it used to be a huge drug hub. One of the largest busts in the cities had been completely unused for years.

But Sparky had been doing stakeouts of it for a few days while Tony was in the hospital, and she had noticed small bits of light coming from inside.

She leaped off the exhaust pipe, and onto the edge of the building's roof...then backed up. And got a running start.

Her purple lightning sparked off her arms and feet as she ran and jumped. Using a great burst of energy to launch herself over the street and onto the fire escape of the abandoned building.

Sparky quickly broke open the lock on one of the windows and slipped inside.

It was dark, but Sparky's natural night vision kicked in quickly, and she pulled out Nenin's metal sais as she began to look around.

The entire building was abandoned, cobwebs were spun in many places all over the room, and thick layers of dust covered everything.

The apartments were all open, so Sparky swept through them quickly.

She decided to go up instead of down and took a staircase up several floors. Clearing the floors and rooms as she went.

On her third floor, in about her tenth apartment. She found it.

The room was kept up, and covered in more photos, maps, and pages. Sparky had found a second information room.

But this wasn't for the yakuza, or even Arcer for that matter...this was a meeting place for Severance.

Many of the pictures were blurred or painted over, the maps were of bases and research facilities.

It made sense...why would they not have a place like this? A hidden and outsourced meeting place.

She dug around in the backpack she brought with her, pulling out her camera which she used for her hobby...and began to snap pictures of the maps and photos.

She was almost finished...when she was interrupted by a sharp punch to the back of her head.

Sparky stumbled forward due to the punch but swung back just in time to get hit in the face a second time by a force she couldn't see.

She held up her free hand in a block and blocked a third punch.

Sparky dropped her camera and reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out one of the sais and enchanting it with her energy.

She dodged down and went for a left handed jab at where she thought her attacker was...and hit her mark.

The electricity sparked in the air...and it shimmered.

Out of the air, a heavily armored and broad-shouldered man appeared. Sparky's sai positioned in his armor.

The man went for his own left hook at Sparky, who sidestepped to his complete right side and pulling out her other sai.

The man adjusted his neck.

The man was wearing a large suit of heavy grey armor, with a primarily glass helmet with a white skull like symbol painted on it.

"Sparky Nenin." the warrior said, eyeing her.

"Well, hello there." She said with a smirk.

She dashed at the warrior, stabbing with her electrified Sai's.

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