Chapter 4 II Blood type

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It's been a rough week. Finally, Danielle, Alex and I were going on a girls night out. Since I was a little bossy, I decided that we'll go to Tressy's; bar with best cocktails. And I was right, cocktails were amazing, we had so much fun. 

„Here is for my besties!" - I made a toast.

We drank for it. When we got bored of drinking, we decided to prank call people, and that was fun, too, except when one old lady almost called cops. We exited bar and I realized that I fogot my phone, so I got back inside. I started looking for my phone and I couldn't find it.

„You're looking for this" - new student from school said.

„Yes, thank you. I'm Hope by the way" 

„I'm Ian."

 „Nice meeting you but I have to run" - I said.

„I hope I'll see you around" - he said emphasizing hope.

I smiled and walked out of the bar. Alex and Danielle had some weird face, like something is bothering them.

„What's wrong?"

„Your parents, they had a car crash, I'm sorry. " - Alex said sadly.

"What?! How? When?" - I said with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe. Why them? I was in shock, I couldn't talk, I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack and few moments later, I fell unconscious.

 When I woke up, everything was white and at first I thought I was dead but then I realized that I was in hospital. There was nurse right next to me doing something. I did't know what.

 „Are you okay miss?" - she asked.

„Yes. But my parents, are they okay, are they alive?" - I started panicking again.

„They are stable, but we need to chack your blood type for transfusion becouse you would be the best donor" 

 „Of course" - I said straightning my hand so norse can get a blood sample. 

„Testing will be over in 15 minutes" 

That 15 minutes felt like hours, then finally doctor came through the door.

„Miss Collister, your blood doesn't match." - he said.

 „What does that mean?" - I said confused.

„It means that they aren't  your biological parents"  

„What?" - I said even more confusted and upset then before, if that's even posible.

Doctor left. I was alone with my thouhgts. Everything was so confusing and just too much for me right now. Tears just started flowing. I couldn't calm myself down.  I was just thinking how miserable I am. I couldn't sleep all night.

In morning doctors came in my room. They weren't happy. They felt pity for me and I already knew what was going to happen. I just couldn' believe it.

„We couldn't do anything, they lost too much blood and when we found donor it was too late." - one of them said.

I started crying again. What am I going to do now? Where should I go? What am I supposed to do? My whole world crashed down by one single word.

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