Part 2: Return of the Kraang

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It had been a few days since the aliens had invaded your home, your pain was gone and you recovered very well from the incident. Donnie was worried about you yet you still managed to convince him to let you go back to your house. You liked the layer, but you couldn't sleep without your own bed. Donnie suggested you keep the lights out at all times incase they come back, and even install a weird special lock he gave me for your door. You think you'll be fine though, you don't think they'll come back. Honestly though, you're just hoping mom and dad are ok. you wonder where they are right now? Donnie said it's more than likely they're at TCRI, kraangs headquarters. Hopefully they're ok... the guys said they'd do a search at TCRI for them later tonight.


"Are you sure you'll be ok on your own? Cause you can stay another night, as long as you'd like even!" Donnie begged you. "Donnie, I don't mind staying but I really need to get back to my own bed, you would understand.. right?" You said as you continued to walk to the exit of the layer. "Yeah I do miss home a lot sometimes but seriously Y/n, I'm also still worried about your physical health. Replied Donnie. "Donnie! Chill out I'll be fine!!" you said as you left. "Stay safe Y/n! Even outside in New York! They're everywhere!" Donnie called back to you, but you kept going. Besides if you couldn't live life normally then how would you ever learn to escape the kraang. 

It was nighttime when you left the layer and you do admit you were a bit nervous out in the dark streets of New York. And there were a lot of strangers and weird creepy guys that came out. As your stress increased you started speed walking to your apartment building. You felt as though something had been following your every move, and it wasn't good. You finally got to the entrance, and slammed the front door shut. You run to the 3rd floor up the stairs and put in the key. You entered and then quickly exited, slamming that door shut. You did not want whatever creepy creature was out there inside your house. 

You quickly noticed the glass in the entryway of your apartment from the incident. You then slowly turned the corner to see the dinning room table flipped, dishes broken and burn marks on the floor sitting next to the electric gun that was used to tase you, and you were surprised that Donnie when he came to get you the other day didn't take it to tamper with, but then again he said it was powerful enough to kill any human.. I mean apparently except you.. so it could probably kill any mutant turtle too. You walked past it and entered your room.

It looked trashed, like someone had went through all your stuff. Half your photos were missing, some with the turtles and Casey and April. Meaning if TCRI took them, they knew more about you and your relationship with the turtles, and worst of all Casey and April. Their safety could be on the lines too now. You panicked a bit inside though when you heard a loud thump coming from the kitchen. They were here. You could sense it.

You immediately turn around to see nothing, but you knew they were there. You slammed your room door shut and placed your whole entire desk against it and ran to your closet to call Donnie. Your door began to move and the desk as well when the kraang bot began to bang at your door. "Donnie!" You whispered to him, but you must have had it on high volume because of course he yells "IM ON MY WAY!" Which the kraang bot obviously heard. "Donnie be quiet!" I whispered back. Suddenly your door was slammed open and you could hear the kraang bots steps. "Donnie... they're here. In my room!" You whispered back. "Just stay calm!" He whispered back, trying to reassure you. But you knew that you were a goner.

The kraang suddenly opened the door, blocking the entrance leaving you nowhere to go. "What's happening?" Donnie asked protectively. "AGHHH! HELP! you scream as the kraang drags you by the legs. You didn't have any fighting abilities so if you fought back you'd just be zapped again with the taser, and you didn't want that. You could see the same taser gun on the side of the kraang bot in a holster so you knew to back down. But you had to find an escape. Suddenly Donnie speaks again. "What's going on??" He asked again in confusion. The kraang bot stopped and took the taser gun, holding it at your phone and zapping it to pieces.

"Aww man I needed that!" You cried angrily as the kraang takes out a comically huge syringe way bigger than any regular doctors syringe And that obviously held some sort of anesthetic, which they must have used on your parents. "Wait, wait! Maybe we should think this through first huh?" You begged. The kraang bot obviously didn't care and holding you down, injected the massive syringe into your neck. In seconds you were out like a light. 


Donnie's POV:

I was on my way to y/n's place after her phone was obliterated, or at least I'm guessing that's what happened since I heard a horrible explosive sound and the phone hung up. Either that or they zapped her again. Hopefully it was the first one. I don't know why I've been caring so much about her recently, I mean she's just a friend... anyhow when I got to her apartment the door was busted down and glass was all over the floor. Well that's not good. I entered to find nothing. Nobody. Crap I was late! She's gone to TCRI! And she has no phone to communicate! This is bad, this is really bad! I rushed back to tell the guys.

 I hope she is ok...

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