I can come

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I wake up, Steve already got outta bed for another meeting. I think he has atleast 1 everyday. I get dressed and ate breakfest alone for the first time in a very long time. Bucky and Steve have that meeting now so they already worked out and stuff. I go to the gym and nobody is here. 'Yes!' I grab my phone and put the volume up to 100, nobody's here so i don't have to wear headphones for music!

After 30 minutes Peter Quill and Thor came in, oh lord this is gonna be interesting! 'You wanna do a race on the treadmill, i've been training.' Quill says in a deep voice. 'Sure, do you know how the treadmill works?' 'Oh god, uhh Parker always did it for me.' I stop with what i'm doing and go to the treadmill, will a celestial and a god win from a boring human? I start running and Thor looks like he has an idea. 'Lady y/n, can you help us turning on the treadmill.' 'I thought you are 34 Peter.' I say in a serious tone. 'I am, but i left earth when i was 7.

I turn on 2 treadmills for them on the same speed as mine, i want to test them! 'This is slow, turn it up a bit!' Peter demands in a very deep voice. 'You will think otherwise in a minute or 2.' They start running, after 3 minutes they both start sweating and panting. 'Alright your right lady Y/n.' 'How aren't you tired, your human!' Peter says a bit jealous. 'I go to the gym everyday, with Captain Rogers.'

I put my headphones on as i don't want to listen to those 2 anymore. They always argue about who's better! I can hear them scream at each other with my headphones on. 'I won't stop mr hammer!' Not gonna lie, i chuckled. He really is the god of hammers. 'God of thunder, you dull creature.' 'I'm the son of Ego!' 'And i'm the sister of Ant-Man, shut up you 2.' I bite back as i'm tired of having to hear them argue. Thor got angier, i saw sparks flying from his hand to the machine. 'Shit, uhh sorry!' The treadmill broke, i took a video of that and sended it to Stark.

Tony🤑: Guess who's paying for that!

Y/n Lang😛: Thor Odinson, i won't make you pay for that.

Tony🤑: Yeah or else it would be Quinten or whatever his name is.

Y/n Lang😛: Peter Jason Quill, you should know that.

Tony🤑: We already have a Peter so i'll call him Quill.

I finish my workout with Thor and Quill, they don't talk to each other. Why did they even think it would be a good idea to go to the gym together? 'See, i'm stronger then you Quill admit it.' 'Never over my dead body!' I run out of the gym not wanting to hear more of that. I shower and put on some clothes. It's Sunday so i don't have anything to do, except mission reports in my office. Now that i'm an avenger they gave me an office, kind of. I share it with Natasha as there weren't any left.

I go inside and Natasha is on the phone. She removes it from her ear and points to the door. 'It's my office too, you can't make me leave our office.' Nat rolls her eyes and continues her call. I sit down at my desk and start working, it's only a small report as it was a small mission. Natasha hangs up. 'Hello Lang, how are you?' Nat says sounding irritated. 'Good, don't tell me to leave this office again.' 'Sorry, it was a secret subject.'

I finish the report and leave to go back to my room, i get stopped by Tony. 'Y/n, Y/n!' He grabs my arm. 'Yeah Tony?' 'We have some news, come with me.' We walk to Sam and Bucky's office, they have to share too. Steve, Bucky and Sam are sitting down, Steve doesn't look happy but lits up a little bit when he sees me. I take a seat next to his and move forward a bit to give him a small kiss on his cheek.

'We have some news, it's a risky offer so you need to think about it.' Sam says. 'What's up?' 'You can come with us on the H.Y.D.R.A mission of this week.' Bucky says, Steve sighs. 'Are you sure, they could be looking for me.' 'See, that's my point!' Steve yells. 'Just try it, i think this could be the last time we visit a base for awhile.' Sam says trying to calm Steve down. 'I'll go, i'm waiting on some action!' 'Sweetheart what if they catch you, i don't want to loose you!' Steve stands up and wraps his arms around me. 'It's gonna be fine, trust me Steve.' I whisper in his ear. Steve sighs again. 'Alright, i trust you.' He lets go off me and sits back down in his chair.

You take me by my hand () Steve Rogers x Y/n Lang ✓Where stories live. Discover now