Second H.Y.D.R.A mission

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It's been a month since we found Rumlow. To be honest. I regret it, he's been torturing me since the day he got here. Maybe I shouldn't have hit him in the plane because he's giving me pay back.

We got dragged to Pierces office. He was sitting at his desk with Rumlow next to him. He's been super clingy to Pierce since he got here. Disgusting.

'Y/n and Rosie, I have a second mission. This is really dangerous and serious. It can go sideways in the blink of an eye.' 'I'm all ears.' I say confidently, I've been hoping on a mission for a while. I'm really bored.

'The Avengers.' My eyes widen, do they want me to kill my friends? 'Are going on a mission to Egypt tomorrow, we want Bucky Barnes back.' No no no, I can't do this. 'I'm not up to the mission.' I say.

'That wasn't a question, it's an order.' Rumlow says pointing his gun at me. Pierce grabbed the gun and threw it over his shoulder. 'Your going, you too Rosie.' He points at us and we get send back to our cell.

Rosie sits down on the ground and puts her hands on her head. 'Oh my god, am I meeting my father?' I sit down next to her. 'Your not meeting him, he's gonna see you. Probably won't recognise you and your not gonna talk to him. We're winter soldiers remember?'

'Do you think he isn't gonna recognise me?' 'Well you don't look like him.' 'You got a point, but he's gonna see me!' 'He could be on a different mission. I'm only sure that Buck, Sam and Steve are coming.'

'Why?' 'They always work together. They're basically glued to each other.' 'Really?' 'Yeah, Steve and Bucky already knew each other back in the day and Sam kinda joined them.' 'Can you fit yourself in the trio or not?'

'Yes, I'm the babysitter.' Rosie laughs. 'That's the truth! If you leave Sam with Bucky and Steve something is gonna burn down!' 'Oh my god really?' 'Yes!'

After Rosie stopped laughing she got a serious look on her face. 'What's up?' 'Your gonna see Steve again.' 'Oh my god, I am.' I got a massive smile on my face. 'I can't wait now.' 'He's gonna see you like a kill machine!'

'Yeah.' That smile left my face quickly, I look down and play with my hands. 'It's gonna be okay, maybe he's gonna recognise you and transform you back to you.' 'What about you?' 'Maybe it's the same with my father.' I nod.

'Alright something fun, imagine Steve's reaction on seeing you.' I smile and think of a reaction. I recreate it. 'His mouth is going wide open, he's gonna say my name and after that he's gonna run to me and I don't know, hug or kiss me.'

'It looks so sweet.' 'I hope it's gonna be sweet.' Rosie gave me a warm smile and hugged me. 'Everything is gonna be fine, we get to go home maybe.' I smiled back. 'I hope so.'


I got woken up by the feeling of burns. I open my eyes slightly and Rumlow is holding his lighter close to my lower stomach. 'Your awake, great. Get out and ready for battle.' He turns off the lighter and leaves.

'Y/n, are you okay?' Rosie asks out of breath. 'I got used to it I guess, how are you?' 'I'm fine, let's get ready.' I slowly get up and pace around the cell. 'We're gonna see Steve, and Bucky, and Sam, and probably a few other.'

'Who do you think is gonna come?' 'Steve, Buck, Sam, Nat and if we're lucky maybe Wanda or Tony. If we're really REALLY lucky maybe Stephen or Thor.' 'Who is Stephen and who is Nat?' 'Stephen is a sorcerer and Natasha is really good in combat and guns.' Rosie nods.

'Are you ready to see them?' 'I think so.' 'You got this, I can't wait to meet my father maybe.' 'Trust me, your gonna hate him first. He's kinda selfish.' 'Selfish?' 'Oh sorry I mean really selfish. You can't start a meeting if Tony hasn't said anything yet.' Rosie laughs.

You take me by my hand () Steve Rogers x Y/n Lang ✓Where stories live. Discover now